Beauty potion


A teaspoon of honey
A cup of water
A pinch of salt
A cup of pomegranate juice
A cup of crushed rose hips
A tablespoon of grated ginger
A quarter cup crushed cloves
A sprinkle of cinnamon
A cauldron
A small crystal phial to put finished potion into
A wooden spoon to stir with


As saysÂ…

Spell Casting

First, put a cup of water into the cauldron, and stir with the wooden spoon while bringing it to a boil. Second, put the crushed rose hips and pomegranate juice in. Third, add the teaspoon of honey and pinch of salt. Fourth, add the cup of crushed ginger. Fifth, add the sprinkle of cinnamon. Finally, let it simmer for nine minutes, and then stir and put in the small crystal phial, after you remove the cauldron from the heat and let the potion cool. You can whip up a batch of the potion if you do it right and drink the potion. If it's brewed wrong, then you should really start again and try to follow the instructions.
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