Ingredientsa mirrora voice/thought black shirt black pants/skirt lip liner Descriptionmakes you have sex with a person
Spell CastingSo, you put on the black clothes Then paint your lips black with lip liner (lip liner at beauty store is $1 USD) Then paint outside of your eyes and eyelids with lip liner like not your eyeball like white part or iris. just skin around eyes make circles then smudge around with fingers until even around eyes. so you stand in front of mirror and say:
clothes are optional and lip liner but not mirror or voice/though part.
to lock in the sex partner and intance comment on here or comment to me via spirit, and it will tell you in the mirror who you hooking up with. Afterwards to use this just say or think in your mind, "I AM A WITCH" and it will give you another, chance to have sex with someone. each time you use this you will be in a sex experience with one, then two, then three, then four and so on sex partners.
and listen to alot of love songs for this to work. it is also only heterosexual, and hook me up with a girl if you get hooked up.
commenting optional but appreciated and after you have had sex say "hail satan" optional but these make it work best and midnight at full moon. this is a heterosexual spell only though. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.