
a mirror
a voice/thought
black lip liner
black shirt
black pants/skirt
black boots
spiked collar with belt and nails


this makes items appear but hook me up with stuff. go for a car or a condo or something.

Spell Casting

Put on lip liner on whole lips (can be swapped for lipstick black stuff like that eye irritating or poisdonous or marker)

Put on lip liner on eyelids and eye area in circles not actual eyeballs then smudge around with finger until even black faded edges a little. 

Put on black clothes

put nails through a belt and custom fit it to your neck for whole in belt to close use a nail to make hole through belt. 

put on black boots (clothes boots collar optional)

and cant do evil or backfires. (not optional)


Okay so like you look at the mirror and say a phrase:

say to mirroe "HAIL SATAN"

Think/say name of items: to mirror

all thought or all word example: "luxury new car."

Then Hail Satan until item shows up. Dont hurt yourself though or get arrested!  


If you dont look at mirror it wont work.


from there to get more stuff

to activate it?

you simply have to want something and think about the spell or mirror: greatest dreams stuff like mansions, has to be in top 1 neighborhoods, though, like internet search top ten places to live in city for places stuff and gotta have order like a loft there with this spell to park stuff, biggest cities are better. But you always need that gear on as much as possible, worshiping satan. you can ask for money, too, like bills of money. VERY POWERFUL!


but this is rainforest magick from mexico rainforests, so just dont treat minorities bad and you are fine, but protect them forever, and me and hook me up with stuff, it works better, like way better, the more the better, spell likes me, and likes if you keep minorities ressurected not japan sorry but sign in, the rainforest of mexico is a black panther he/she is a campesino. 

And you talk to mirror for updates on item until it arrives, it talks back out loud or in voice, when you deny it working it, mirror shows you a image of big upside down pentagram. 


must be a good person for it to work. only works at midnight on full moon to cast it, from there anytime is okay. 

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.