IngredientsnothingDescriptionEach time you cast this you have sex with someone.
Spell CastingSay: "Sex magic," then say, "activate."
Only brings new sex partner into your life, but you do have sex, you cant pick a specific person. Every time a person likes you and you like person back it will tell you and you have sex with them automatically does everything for you mode. If too many, give away to people, except ones you want to keep. This is heterosexual only. Works if you are stranded in the middle of a desert gets you out of there. I used a Serafin Witch sculptures to make this, approximately 75 million 50" sculptures, literally, they are for player sex. You can cast it on another person. It's a red holy death sculpture spell for love spells for voice overs so you'll see a death sculpture spirit guide, it makes sure it doesn't mess with will of anyone both ways too, cause if not you turn gay. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.