Sleep potion


Amethyst water, 4 cups
Catapres (2 pieces if prescribed), 1 whole and 1 crushed
Camomile tea, loose leaf
Powdered lavender, a pinch
3L bottle
Mixing tool


This calming potion combines the soothing properties of amethyst water, chamomile, and lavender to promote a restful night's sleep. Lavender adds an extra element of relaxation to help ease you into a peaceful slumber. Brew up a batch and store it in a large bottle for multiple servings. You could use it alongside lavender pillow spray.

Spell Casting

In a pot, heat half the amethyst water on the stove until steaming.
Add in whole Catapres, and powdered lavender.
Mix well.
Let simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat.
Place loose-leaf tea and crushed Catapres in a separate pan with the other 2 cups of amethyst water.
Scoop out the tea leaves when the separate mixture is well-infused enough.
Combine the two separate pans of mixture and mix well, visualising safe sleep and sweet dreams.
Say this blessing a few times: I bless this potion by Sun and Moon, day and night, to bring about sweet dreams and soothing sleep and protect me as I rest from harm and bad dreams, by my will it shall be that I am unharmed by nightmares and general harm!
Strain mixture into a mug.
Sip and enjoy warm. Store remaining potion in a 3-litre bottle for future use.
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