Super-enhanced hearing


Do after each exercise in my alt account Potterhead20's spell of the same name as this one
Small bouquet of daisies to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the first exercise
Small dish of rose petals to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after the second exercise
Small muffin to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the third exercise
Large dish of black salt
Yellow cord to knot 9x after doing the first exercise and performance of this spell
Blue cord to knot 9x after doing the second exercise and repetition of this spell
Red cord to knot 9x after doing the third exercise and repetition of this spell


A simple knotwork spell to boost your hearing, designed to be done after the 3 exercises outlined in my alt account potterhead20's spell "To improve your hearing". It is NOT selective.

Spell Casting

First performance of this spell:
1. Gather your items and cast a circle.
2. Tie one knot at the bottom of the yellow rope.
3. Say: ''With knot one - this spell is run.''
4. Sprinkle a small bit of black salt on the cord where the knot is.
5. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the first knot.
6. Chant the following several times: "Some sounds are here and some sounds are astray so give me the hearing of far away."
7. Say: ''With knot two, it shall come true.''
8. Sprinkle a little bit of black salt where the knot is.
9. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the second knot.
10. Say: ''With knot three, true it shall be.''
11. Chant the following several times: "Don't let it show but let it work, don't make my face look foul, give me the hearing of a great horned owl."
12. Sprinkle a small amount of black salt on the knot.
11. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the third knot.
12: Say: ''With knot four, I do implore with power''
13. Sprinkle a slight bit of black salt on the knot.
14Sit down with your legs spread out, then close your eyes and chant: "my ears are small but I hear them all, the people a mile away, the mice scurrying under the house, the birds wings flapping in the wind, but only for an hour will my ears stay this way. So mote it be." Keep your eyes closed and listen you should be able to hear better, you can open them after about a minute
15. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the fourth knot.
16. Say: ''With knot five, the spell will thrive.''
17. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the fifth knot.
18. Say: ''With knot six, the blessing of enhanced hearing clicks.''
19. Sprinkle a little bit of black salt on the know.
20. Chant the following several times: "La, la, la. I can hear ya"
21. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the sixth knot.
22. Say: ''With knot seven, I send my wish out to heaven.''
23. Sprinkle a small amount of black salt on the knot.
24. Tie a knot a thumb's distance from the seventh knot.
25. Say: ''With knot eight, my hearing shall be great.''
26. Sprinkle a small amount of the black salt on the knot.
27. Tie a knot at the opposite end of the rope to the first knot.
28. Say: ''With knot nine, it will intertwine.''
29. Say a small prayer to Echo, the Greek goddess of hearing.
30. Place the rope in a circle and place a small bouquet of daisies inside the rope circle.
31. Close the circle and wait.
Second performance of this spell:
1. Repeat the process with the red rope.
2. Repeat the prayer & chants at different spaces between knots.
3. Place the rope in a line outside on the outside of the yellow rope circle and place a small dish of rose petals on the edge of the rope line.
Third performance of this spell:
1. Repeat with the blue rope.
2. Repeat the prayer and chants at different spaces between knots.
3. Repeat the rope line and place a small muffin on the edge of the rope line.
Side effects if this works include:
-ringing in ears
-hearing voices
-tightening of throat
-odd taste in mouth
-love of music
-more of a listener than a talker
-need peace and quiet
-clapping with fingers because if you didn't it'd bee too loud for your ears
-sensitive hearing
-tendency to squeak whenever talking about something potentially upsetting or heard information you were not supposed to know
-tendency to speak and sing as low as a whisper
-not enjoying being the center of attention
-preference to stay in the background
-tendency to expose people's secrets even if you do not want to
-rare moments of stress and emotional weakness
-gift causes you incredible discomfort and suffering, causing you to cover your ears when they are too loud for you
-need headphones/earmuffs and/or earplugs
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.