Healing Spell for a Loved One




This is a healing spell for a loved one who is suffering from an ailment.

Spell Casting

Say the spell three times.

The first time you say the spell after you say the words "candle burn" light the candle.

Make sure to practice fire safety.


Great Goddess please grant to me your power

On this day and in this hour

Power rise and Candle burn

Good health quickly return

Elements come to the aid of my loved one 

Bless them oh moon and sun

Good health is ideal

I call upon the element of Earth to heal 

I call upon the element of Water to wash and cleanse them today

I call upon the element of Fire to burn all the bad away

Air swiftly send this spell to (name) through the skies

Make them healthy and help them thrive

Mind body and soul restore

This great Goddess I implore 

Heal (name) because I love them so

As above so below 

Three times three

As I will it so mote it be



Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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