Period relief ointment


Coconut oil
100ml Infused herbal oils (fennel, mugwort, chamomile, cinnamon, black cohosh, dill, French maritime bark, ginger, chasteberry, evening primrose, red raspberry, cramp bark, corydalis, Jamaican dogwood, peppermint, sage, lavender, roses, turmeric, dong quai, yarrow, thorow wax, lemon balm, skullcap)
15g Beeswax
Optional: essential oils, 5-10 drops per 100mL
Salve jars
Heat-proof bowl


This special ointment will help with any menstrual cramps felt during your cycle. To use: Apply where you feel pain, rub into the skin and wait for it to work - about four to five minutes.

Spell Casting

  1. First you will need to make an infused oil. You can find a recipe here -->
  2. Take 100ml of your infused herbal oil
  3. Warm in a bain-marie, and add 15g beeswax until it has melted.
  4. Take it off the heat.
  5. Whilst it is still warm add any essential oils you want to.
  6. Pour this into some salve jars. 
  7. Allow to cool and then add a lid, label and store.


  • Apply as you need a few times a day.
  • To see if the salve will set to the right consistency and has enough beeswax in, take a teaspoon of the hot oil, place it on a saucer and put it in the fridge. If it sets after a few minutes then you are ready. If not, add a little more beeswax.
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