Yule rebirth tea


Australian honeysuckle petals
Aloe vera leaves
Amaryllis petals
Anemone petals
Calla lily petals
Chrysanthemum petals
Cherry blossom petals
Daffodil petals
Daisy petals
Gladiolus petals
Hyacinth petals
Iris petals
Lilac petals
Lily petals
Lewisia petals
Magnolia petals
Mistletoe berries(not American mistletoe)
Marigold petals
Orchid petals
Peony petals
Rose petals
Rain lily petals
Sunflower petals
Strawflower petals
Thyme leaves
Thistle flower petals
Vervain leaves
White tulip petals
White carnation petals
Woodruff leaves
Yucca flower petals
Yerba santa flower petals


Embrace the essence of Yule with my revitalizing Rebirth Tea Blend recipe!

Spell Casting

  1. Combine the herbs in a food processor until desired consistency.
  2. Store in a jar and use in Yule rituals to make teas and/or bless your Yule teas to be potions.
  3. Enjoy every sip whenever you have your Yule tea.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.