Psi technique - Energy ball




Basic energy ball method, no ingredients.

Spell Casting

  1. Rub your hands together to create friction, or outline a circle in the middle of both of your palms with your finger. The main goal of this step is to stimulate your hands (more specifically, your palms).
  2. Hold your hands about 4-5 inches apart. Inhale slowly, and while inhaling, move your hands to where they are about 10-12 inches apart. Exhale slowly, and while exhaling, move your hands back to where they are 4-5 inches apart. Do this slowly for about a minute, and focus on the space between your hands. 
  3. Make a motion with your hands similar to that of rolling a ball of play-dough, clay, etc., between your hands. Make this rolling motion for about 30 seconds to a minute, and once you stop, there should be buzzing or pressure as if there were a ball in your hands. You can play with the energy ball; you can change the density, size, and temperature.
  4. (OPTIONAL): To shell it, you visualize a protective layer or shield around it. Now, you can program your energy ball. 
  5. (OPTIONAL): To program it, set your intention of what you want the energy ball to do; it can be spiritual or physical (see post notes). Once you set your intention, release the energy ball. 


Important notes: 

  • Physical intentions could be for healing or moving objects. I am a little skeptical of the latter, but it could work with practice. 
  • With enough practice, you will be able to instantly create a psi ball.
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