Vampire Transformation Spell


Paper (preferably lined)
Pen/Anything to write with
Knife/something sharp


This is a spell to become a Vampire.

Spell Casting

First of all, get your piece of paper. Draw a photo of yourself (it's okay if you aren't a good artist) and write your name above it, along with the word "Human".

Then, tear the piece of paper up. This is not who you are destined to be. You are meant to be a vampire, sucking blood while illuminated by the full moon, not a human.

Grab another piece of paper, and write this:

"Dear God of Vampires,

I vow to be a vampire, I reject my human form.

I want to become a vampire, defying natural norm.

With fangs as sharp as razors, and a thirst for blood.

A hatred for the sun, but an affinity to the moon.

I ask you please for my transformation to come soon.

Turn me into a vampire, that is all I request.

This is my destiny, the role I play best."

Then, cut yourself and smear some blood on it, and sign your name on it. Remember to be careful while cutting yourself. If you get injured and die, you'll have no hope of completing the spell. Also, you'll be dead.

Then, on the other side of the sheet of paper, draw the new you. A vampire, with menacing red eyes and fangs.

Keep the paper under your pillow, and sleep with it every night for about a week. During this week, I would recommend trying to connect with Vampirism.

After 6-8 days, you will be a vampire.
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