Ingredients1tsp glitter powder1 Jar 1 and half or full still water 1 table spoon of thyme 1 and a half of vanilla (Liquid or Herb) 2/3 table spoon of sugar 2 Purple candles (or white candles) DescriptionThis spell potion helps give you good luck when added in other food or drinks and also protects yous from evil and negative energies.
Spell CastingWhen mixed all the ingredients together in the jar, light the two candles. you can chant this spell either loud or in mind, but you must concentrate on your energy and use that on the spell casting and blow out the candles once chant is completed
"Dear mother Goddess of the universe, the sun and the moon. Please lend me your power, in this hour, with this potion, I shall seek the power to gain good luck and protection from evil. Hear my wishes, Lend me the power to seek my will. Mother Goddess of the universe, sun and moon, thank you for hearing my wishes and for being by my side, I will forever cherish your help and power. I shall drink this potion, I shall seek the protection and good luck, within this time and hour. So mote it be" You can add this potion in:
•Items you cherish
•neckless, bracelets (ankle bracelets) or rings
Side effects: • Happiness •Positive Energy •the feeling of being protected • Tiredness (depends on your energy) •Brings good luck • no negative energy • body feels cleansed • A little sleepy.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.