Strength candle work!


Golden candle (white will also work)
Protection oil or olive oil
Incense of your choosing.
Matches or lighter


This spell is to help regain strength and some basic protection. It Can be used in many situations and is especially helpful if you struggle with depression or anxiety. Or your just feeling a little lost and lacking motivation.

Spell Casting

First thing you need to do is hold the candle within your hands or roll it back and forth to give it your energy. While doing so think about how this candle will not break. It will bring you the strength you've been needing. 

Next light your incense. I chose nag champa. Cleanse the space the candle will be in. I do clockwise rotations over my altar and then around my candle. Put it in a holder near where your candle will be. 

Next take your candle and put your oil over it. This part is a little messy. Next follow with salt. Cover it, not heavily but enough. Put it in its holder. 

Now get your lighter. When lighting your candle you say 


"Mother moon, come to me 

I call and ask this of thee.

Help me feel your strength again, and find the goddess that resides within. " 

On the third and final time add "this is my will, so mote it be!" 

Let the candle burn out, or if need be you can burn it for a while and extinguish if your short on time. Personally I let my burn. 

Watch the candle. Feel it's energy and watch the flame dance. 

And that's it! I hope this helps anyone who needs it!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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