IngredientsOrange candleBayleaf Twine Marker or pen Salt Rosemary Chilli powder or flakes Cinnamon Incense or sage for cleansing. Protection oil(optional) DescriptionThis spell can be done to help bring back your power. If your feeling drained due to others and want control back this is for you.
Spell CastingStart by cleansing you area and supplies. Next take your candle and rub it between your hands. Think about what you'd like this spell to do for you. This is charging your candle. Get your bayleaf and write "my power". Use your twine and tie it to your candle. Up and down works best. Place the candle standing up on your plate or in your dish. Next if you choose too you can anoint your candle with protection oil. I do. Add your salt, rosemary, chili powder And cinnamon. When you are ready light your candle and state your intention "with this spell I take back my power! I am in control!" Let the candle burn all the way down. Your bayleaf will burn as well. While watching it burn mediate and think about what you need and how this is going to ŵork for you. And that's it. Seems complicated but it's simple. Let me know how it works for you. Blessed be!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.