Simple Candle Protection


1 Red Candle
1 White Candle
Tiger's Eye Crystal


Protection for you and/or another person.

Spell Casting

Cast your circle if you wish. 

Place the red candle on your left hand side, and the white candle on your right side. Place the tigers eye in the middle. 

Light the candles. 

Place your hands a comfortable distance above their respective candles. Take the energy from the white candle and circle it through your body and to the red candle. 

Slowly guide this protective energy into the Tiger's eye to amplify it's natural protective energy.

Imagine a protective white light emitting from the crystal, sense it filling the whole room and everyone you wish to imbue with the protective energy and say:

"I keep myself/ [name] close and dear
This will protect me/them with no fear
Keep me/them safe, and protected from malice
Evil eye, threat, or any harm
'Till nights end, or morn come
My will be done, so mote it be!"

Throw your hands up, releasing the energy and repeat:

"My will be done, so mote it be!"

You may let the candles burn down, or blow them out and pass the Tiger's eye through the smoke.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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