The Closet Gateway Ritual (Travel Through Dimensions!)


A time where it will be quiet, with no sounds or distractions (Optional, but highly preferable)


They say that it is your belief that builds reality; everything is created by the fabric of your awareness and soul. So, what happens if you hide in a closet, with no signs of the outside world, and then opened the door? The lack of reminders of your environment would make it ambiguous, giving your soul a chance to change it into anything via believing in it.

Spell Casting

They say that it is your belief that builds reality; everything is created by the fabric of your awareness and soul. So, what happens if you hide in a closet, with no signs of the outside world, and then opened the door?
The lack of reminders of your environment would make it ambiguous, giving your soul a chance to change it into anything via believing in it. 

In a more in-depth explanation, it's said that infinite dimensions exist, where infinite possibilities exist. Anything you can think of exists and is happening somewhere, but it's only what you're aware of that you witness. Have you ever had a cut which was painless until you looked and saw it bleeding? It's kind of like that. If you detach from here, and listen in to the other dimensions, you can travel there, anywhere you'd like.

  1. Choose your destination. This can be, as I said, anywhere you'd like. Any universe, with any laws, with any possibilities. There are no limits.
  2. (Optional) You might want to write what your destination will be like down somewhere. This doesn't really do anything, but it keeps it all organised, and is done by many dimension-travellers.
  3. Go into your closet, and imagine this closet is from your destination dimension. Outside of it is your destination. Close your eyes, and detach.
  4. Think about how it'd feel to be in that dimension, and really focus on that feeling of being there. Imagine the things you'll do, who you are, your memories, etc.
  5. Try to feel the five senses from that dimension. What can you hear, see, smell, taste, and feel from there? (Remember: You aren't imagining it, you're feeling it. Those things currently exist in that dimension; you're only becoming aware of them.)
  6. Just wait until you feel ready to leave, and until you do, continue attaching to that dimension.

Common symptoms of travelling dimensions are:

  • Sensation of falling
  • Detachment from physical body
  • Seeing lights
  • Aphantasiacs suddenly acquiring ability to visualise
  • Sensation of floating
  • Sensation of moving ones body even though it has not moved
  • Sensation of soul spilling out of ones body
  • Phantom feelings
  • Twitching
  • Fluttering eyelids

Note:  Just because you have no symptoms does not mean you are failing. Travelling dimensions without symptoms is entirely possible.
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