Ingredients32 black candles antique mirror sigil of lilithDescriptionSigil of lilith 32 black candles full size mirror antique
Spell CastingCast circle 32 black candles 2 red one pink female sexual energy draw lilith sigil in blood goats blood or your own skull of a goat to look dark noting to do with lilith light candles look into mirror see string clear ladies girls mocking u chant til all candles go out blinding up vibration Renich Viasa Avage Lillith Lirach. See her sigil at same time then chant mulieres rident me and then your name have sigil of lilith on your parson put blood on it carry it til you. See curse taken effect this works for me I git the tattoos every sigil of lilith it's demonic magick if u get hrut don't come crying no hlep will be given and if wiccan comes in protection is up so ant curse just broce bk on parson and who ever in site sorry spells of magick I do black magick and people have died going agast me I put disclaimer up for legal reason if a oarson does it and gets hrut and I won't speak to any wiccans just my preference Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.