Cure a Headache




Draw up your energy and use it to push away headaches. It's quite simple and useful.

Spell Casting

Lie down. Of course you don't need to lie down but I always feel at ease when I'm laying down. You can sit as well.

Take a deep breath. Imagine a powerful orb growing inside you--I imagine this power in the pit of stomach and growing to all parts of my body, though not everyone imagines this, go with what image your brain conjures up first--and dark, negative energy leaving your body as you exhale. Channel as much energy as you can.

Close your eyes and visualize the part of your head where the headache is most severe. This part of your head should be clouded with dark, black, painful energy. Use the energy you raised during the breathing to push away the black energy. This should then dissolve into the air.

After you have cleared away the pain, imagine a soft, glowing shield protecting your head from the energy returning.
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