Test Crush


candle (long and orange)


Do you want to know if someone has a crush on you? Use this spell.

Spell Casting

This spell only works for the caster. So if you want to know if someone has a crush on someone else that someone else must be the one who casts the spell.

You will need an orange candle of any size and shape, but a long tall candle works best because you will need one which drips. Mark a line downward on either side of the candle, put the letter H on one side and the letter N on the other.

Now light the candle and say the following:

Candles burn and flames see all,
Wax melts and we watch it fall.

Tell me truely of the crush
Tell me quickly thus I rush.

You may also use the Latin to get a better reading:

Levis aduro flamma visum,
Tabesco increbresco occido visum.

Tell me truely of the crush
Tell me quickly thus I rush.

If the wax drips toward the H a crush exists, if it drips to the N there is no crush.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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