Make Sex Happen Again


Lush tropical flowers
Essential oils of patchouli and cinnamon (male aphrodisiacs)
Ylang Ylang (for females)
Rugs and cushions
Almond oil


Reconnect an intimate spark between you and your lover.

Spell Casting

Create a sexy environment. Decorate the room with lush tropical flowers and burn essential oils of patchouli and cinnamon (male aphrodisiacs). (Burn Ylang Ylang if it's a woman your trying to seduce)

Sprinkle a large circle of salt and place rugs and cushions within. In a bowl blend some almond oil with a few drops of patchouli. Invite your partner into the sacred circle and get naked! Dip your fingers into the oil and stroke each other lightly.

The man says the charm: "Woman, thou art fertile and lush. Come join me. My loins are afire". Then the woman says: "Man, thou art strong and potent. Impale me upon thy lusty sword". Then commence erotic time.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.