Lucifers touch (if your really pissed)


3 black candles
Midnight time
deep believe


This spell was added by NekroN_black

Spell Casting

A Powerful Evil Hex! Light 3 black candles at midnight and repeat the following three times. If you have a bell you should ring it three times at the beginning of this ritual...

I call to the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer...
Spirits of the abyss, here my call all most powerful one and all
Lucifer my thoughts do sing through the universe they now ring
Take thine enemy, take him smite Break him, scorn him in the night
From the mighty depths of hell cast your darkness on his shell
Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star Touch him, burn him from afar
Revenge now will have its day for thine enemy starts to fray
So mote it be!

During the time spent doing this hex, you should be worked up into a frenzy of anger and thinking of the darkness about to descend upon your enemy. When you are done, extinguish the candles. From - Phantom120
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