Ingredients1 Pacifier1 Baby bottle 1 Rattle 2 Baby blankets, Pink and blue The couple A quilt 2 throw blankets Peace and quiet Consentration Water Neckalace with a cross on it 2 Pice of papers 2 pencils Tape DescriptionThis can only be used for your friends, you have to do the spell though,sorry! ( This can work 4 teens 2, dont recomend it for teens though, side affects!)
Spell Casting
Put the pink baby blanket on the floor and have the boy sit on it.
"A baby I wish."
Then have him wright the item he is holding and the details. Have him write what he is willing to do for one. The take it and put it face down on the quilt.
''Paper pieces, baby to them _ and_."
Tape the papers back together but make sure the pieces are mixed up so what the girl wrote is taped together with what he wrote. Make them lay togther on the throw blankets. Make them close their eyes and repeat after you.
1. Girl repeates after you, '' Baby is wha I wish.'' Then make them kiss lightly for 3 seconds. There you go! She is pregnant! Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.