Enemy Go Away


A needle
• One black pull out candle
• Black cotton fabric
• Small piece of brown paper
• Precipitado Oil
• Black coffee
• One small dark colored bottle with cap
• Commanding oil
• Crossing Oil
• Black Arts Oil
• HotFoot Powder
• Cotton twine


Banish an enemy

Spell Casting

Carve your enemies name in the candle with the
needle. Anoint the candle with each one of the oils
and sprinkle some Hot Food Powder on it. Light the
candle. While it is lit, take the brown piece of paper
and write your enemies name down 9 times. Roll the
paper (away from you) and add nine drops of each of
the Oils. Place it inside the bottle and sprinkle some
of the Hot Foot Powder into it. Also place the coffee
inside the bottle (fill it up.) Close the bottle up and
seal it with the lit candles wax. Then wrap it with the
black cloth and tie it with the cotton twine (9 times.)
As you tie it each time, focus on your fury towards
that person. Toss the water of the bottle (the mixture)
into a river over your left shoulder. Don't turn back,
just walk away. If you turn, the spell will backfire.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.