

Abramelin healing square written on parchment
Oil of ginger and mint
five blue candles
some mandrake and or chamomile


A healing spell , charm .

Spell Casting

This is to be done outside under a waxing moon. Set candles so to form a pentacle with bowl in the middle , fill the bowl with spring water and make sure it reflects Moonlight .

On a parchments back side write the name of sick person and attach something that belongs to this person , a photo shall do too.

Light the candles , place a few drops of oil on parchment, hold it above the bowl , visualize the pain and sickness being washed away , and say :



"These wounds that hurt body
these pains that torture
will no longer torture anybody
from this person shall departure
Vigoro , Vigoro , Vigoro
Raphael , Michael , Lunarus !
By the power of the three
As I wish so shall it be !



Release the parchment in bowl , sprinkle some chamomile or mandrak in it , and leave the bowl undisturbed for 7 days . Then bury the content or toss it into stream that goes towards east .

Writen by humble Me .
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.