Ash Anti-Curse


1 tablespoon sandlewood powder
1 tablespoon frankincense
1 tablespoon myrrh
1 cup pine needles

charcoal *to burn ingredients after mixing them*


Utilize this spell to conjure a means to remove the strongest of hexes with the power of nature.

Spell Casting

Grind the above ingredients into a potent powder. Then, chant the following incantation three times in the silence of the night:

"Solonielle. I ask of thee to remove that which binds me.
With the power of the night, your aid I seek thee.
Dark moon's light, free me, deliver me.
So mote it be."

Phase 2 of ritual- Focusing your energies and that of the night sky, transfer the negative energies of the hex into the ingredients. Then, take a bath, channeling your own energies to take the place of the hexes' force.

Phase 3- After the bath, meditate to drive any remaining curses/hex energy from one's system and chakra flow into the ingrdients. Then, burn the ingredients until nothing but powder is left. With the ingredients burned, so is the curse defeated and out of one's system.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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