Ingredients6 CandlesFeather Basil Thyme Apple seeds Banana skin Wishing bone (little part only) Locket Paper Pen DescriptionGrants you wishes.
Spell CastingFirst, write your wish down on a piece of paper and fold to the size of the locket. Then, take a spoon and a bowl, add the following ingredients in the bowl:feather, basil, thyme, apple seeds, banana skin, wishing bone. Light 6 candles in a circle and sit in the middle. Stir the ingredients clockwise in the bowl when its all mushy put a little bit of substance in the locket with the piece of paper that you wrote your wish on. Hold it tight in your right hand close your eyes and chant the following: "Grant this wish grant it near hear my plea grant my wish so let it be". Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.