

Being Psychic or Believe


Psychic Abilities

Spell Casting

Hokokinesis = Controll Magic Enegies
Chronokinesis = Control Time
Closokinesis = Controll Clocks
Telekinesis = Moving items with your wind and no touches
Solokinesis = Controll Brightness
Sunulakinesis = Controll WHeather
Thermokinesis = Controll Temp.
Lunakinesis = Controll Moon
Sunolakinesis = Controll Sun
Bendastakinesis = Bend a Spoon without touching it
Strokinesis = Bend a Spoon (Meens Really Strong to do that)
Pyrokinesis = Bend Fire
Cryokinesis = ICE CONTROLL
Hydrokinesis = Bend Water
Areokinesis = Controll Air Wind
Spooroakinesis = Controll the Sea Ocean
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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