Seven knobbed candle spell for overcoming enemies


A black seven knobbed candle or an ordinary black candle you can mark into seven equal segments.
Success oil.


This seven day spell will make overcome your enemies.

Spell Casting

If you have a seven knobbed candle then anoint it with the oil.
If you have an ordinary black candle then mark it into seven seperate segments by making some horzontal lines through it.

Anoint the candle with the success oil being sure to start at the middle of the candle , then rub the oil down to the bottom , then rub the oil to the top, as if to draw the problems away from your self.

Then focus on your enemies and you overcoming them. Imagine whatever fate you think they deserve as you light the candle.

Burn it every day for seven days, stopping at each segment, each day.

Then when it has finished burning after seven days, you then either bury it in a cemetary , outside the offending person's home or place of work or you may with as much disrespect and hate for that person throw it into a public bin (trash can), PUBLIC trash not your own personal bin/ trash can.
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