To Find Love


1 pink candle(if you are girl)
1 red candle(if you are boy)
3 drops of your blood(fresh)
1 piece of paper(big)
1 red marker or pen


This spell will help you find your lover in 3 days at the most.

Spell Casting

On the paper draw a medium sized pentagram with your marker or pen. In the middle of it place the pink/red candle and light it. Then drip the blood on the candle. As you do say this once:



"I call upon the goddess Aphrodite to find me my lover."



Then blow out the candle and then chant loudly:



"Whether he/she be cute or he/she be ugly I plea you find my lover."



If you have any questions or comments please mail me.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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