Ingredients4 small pieces of paper1 black candle DescriptionA simple banishing spell.
Spell Casting
1. Light the candle. 2. Draw a pentagram on the back of each of the 4 pieces of paper. 3. On each piece of paper, write what ever is bothering you or the curse or spell that you need to banish and the name of the person that is being attacked. Write a different need on each of the 4 pieces of paper. 4. Take the first piece of paper and burn it over the candle flame saying: I banish the ( what ever you want to banish ) with the power of mote it be... Take the second piece of paper: and throw it into the water... you can use the sea river or just flush it down the toilet and say: I banish the ( what ever you want to banish ) with the power of mote it be... Take the third piece of paper and throw it out the window or as far as you can throw it...and say: "I banish the ( what ever you want to banish ) with the power of the mote it be". Take the fourth piece of paper and bury it in the ground, and say:" I banish the ( what ever you want to banish ) with the power of mote it be". Meditate a few minutes, seeing yourself free of the situation, then just forget about it...put it completely out of your mind. Let the black candle burn itself out.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.