Metamorphic Vampire Transformation


Any kind of red flower
Blood of you
A tooth of you
A black leaf
A black candle
Bowl or caudron
Hot liquid
Spoon that is metal


Make you a vampire through metemorphosis

Spell Casting

First, place the tooth in the bowl, then drink the blood. Crumble the black leaf, then put it in the bowl or caudron. Now smell the flower, then put the petals in the bowl, then pull apart of the rest and put in the bowl. Add any kind of hot liquid to mix it.
Now pour the liquid, and mix till it smell funny with the spoon. Now chant:

"If I die, let me rise.
Make me a blood drinker,
I saw them with my own
eyes. If I get hurt,
let me heal, if people
wonder, It's my deal.
Metamorphosis, come to me,
Switch my souls, a new body
you will see, leave the casting be!"
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