Your Hands Will Lift By Themseleves


2 persons


It actually works,not like other spells NOTE: works better when person has their eyes closed while counting.

Spell Casting

First,Make the person clear out their mind and then count to 20 in their mind. when this is done snap your finger 20 times against the person's ears and then cross their hands 20 times.
Then,make the person count to 15 in their mind and when theyre done snap your fingers 15 times against their ears and cross their hands 15 times.
Now,make the person count to 10 in their mind and snap your fingers 10 times against their ears and cross the person's hands 10 times.
make person, count to 5 in their mind and snap your fingers 5 times against their ears and cross their hands 5 times.
Finally, make the person count to 1 in their mind and snap your fingers against their ears 1 time and cross their hands one time.
Now when all of this is done make person say a lot of times (its in spanish) "Charlie Charlie, levantame las manos para que este juego se termine" or they can say it in english "charlie charle lift my hands so this game can be over" (it works better if you say it in spanish and it doesnt work on everyone,mostly it works on kids and teenagers)
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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