



Use this ritual to consecrate jewley or tools.

Spell Casting

There are many ways you could do this. Here is one gas floating around for a while.
Sprinkle the Amulet with salt.


''I consecrate you with the element of Earth.''


Pass the Amulet through the incense.


''I consecrate you with the element of Air.''


Pass the Amulet through candle flame.


''I consecrate you with the element of Fire.''


Sprinkle the Amulet with water.


''I consecrate you with the element of Water.''


Pick up the Amulet, and hold it up high for God to behold.



''You are now consecrated in the name of all the holy Saints."


Place Amulet back on altar Pentacle.
Place hands over the Amulet.
Visualize a Brilliant light from above pouring into the Amulet.


''I charge this Amulet to serve as (name that which you desire its purpose to serve)
for I your name or magickal name a servant of God Almighty.''



''I charge this Amulet by God Almighty:
I charge this Amulet by the virtues of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
I charge this Amulet by the Elemental powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
I declare this Amulet now all empowered with the Energies of the Universe in which I have invoked.
By the name of Jesus Christ
You are now charged!
So be it!''
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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