Willow Spells


A short length of string, ribbon, grass


You can use knots to ‘fix’ a spell – that is to hold energy to prevent something from happening or to release energy so that it happens at a chosen time. You may use string, ribbon or perhaps, more effectively, living natural grasses. Willow withies such as those used for basket weaving, are good to use for this type of spell since willow enhances intuition. Knots enable you to make sure the energy you have directed goes where you want it to go.

Spell Casting

As always you should be conscious of the fact that it is wrong to try to force someone to do something against their will. Therefore carefully consider your actions and be very clear as to why you are trying to influence a particular situation.

You might, in spells where the timing is important, prepare the groundwork for success but tie a knot to keep some control over when the circumstances dictate a proper release. Let us assume that you have a court case which needs some careful management and you need to make an impact.

Take your chosen length of material and as you tie a simple knot, chant words such as: "As this knot is tied in thee: The power is held until set free. Tis bound, until on my command. The knowledge needed comes as planned".

Put the tied object in your pocket, then perhaps on the morning of the case at your chosen moment release the knot. This will enable you to have all the information and energy you need for a successful outcome.

You can also use this same knot tying to enhance your dream content though the procedure is slightly different. If you wish to find the answer to a problem in your dreams, having carefully thought things through as much as you can, hold the withy in your hand and allow your energy to flow into it.

Tie a simple knot whilst saying : "Catch now my dreams and hold them still. That I may know what is thy will. Create a space that I may see; What answer will be best for me" Sleep with the tied knot under your pillow and wait for inspiration

You may not receive the answer on the first night, so be prepared sleep with the knot in place for at least three nights. While the answer may not always come in a dream, usually you will find that shortly afterwards the resolution comes about in a flash of inspiration, a certainty of the right action or through information from an outside source. The method ensures that you have received help from both your own inner self and the powers that be.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.