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Please note the following points:
- Authors/Artists automatically own a copyright when they produce original works.
- As per our terms of use, authors/artists grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual license to publish their content (point 10) if they themselves submitted the content, regardless of whether or not it was published elsewhere first.
- Just because content exists elsewhere does not mean there is a copyright infringement.
- Only copyright holders or agents acting on behalf of copyright holders may use this form to inform us of violations.
- You must identify yourself as the copyright holder or an agent on behalf of the copyright holder in the comments below or your report will be ignored.
- All reports will be investigated first by verifying the identity of the poster (contributer of questioned content) and the reporter (you).
- It is unlawful to pose as a copyright holder or an agent when you are not the legitimate copyright holder. This is considered identity theft and will be reported to your local authorities. respects the work of others and will work to resolve any issues when it comes to copyrights.