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1 Luck Spells from Divine Power

Covens Divine Power  ► Divine Power's Spellbooks  ► 1 Luck Spells
1 Luck Spells from Divine Power

Included in this list of 1 Luck Spells
  1. Hecate Justice
#1 - #1

#1 - Hecate Justice

Bring justice with the goddess Hecate.
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    All you have to do is chant: "Hecate, Dark One, hear my plea. Bring justice now, I ask of thee! Right the wrongs that have been done. Avenge me now, O might one! Turn misfortune back on those who cause my problems and my woes. Heap upon them karmic debt, lest they all too soon forget their wrongful actions, words and deeds. Don't let them get away scott free. Bring them forth from where they hide. Bring swift justice, weild your knife. Hasten, Dark One, hear my please. So as I will it, so mote it be".

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    Last edited on May 20, 2016
    Part of the Divine Power Library.

    1 Luck Spells from Divine Power
    #1 - #1