27 Spiritual Spells from Second Sight
- Stay away stalker
- Silence a Stalker
- Rose Petal Healing
- Spirit Element Protection
- Saint Expedite Banishing
- Onion Banishing
- Four Thieves Banishing
- Ultra Deluxe Banishing Powder
- Banish Evil
- Magical Sign Animal
#11 - Stay away stalker
First, take the pin and carve the persons name into the candle, then light it with the matches.
Secondly, take a photo of the stalker, (though if you do not have one, a piece of paper with their name will suffice), and write their birth date, and any other relevant information written on the back. before burning it over the flame of a black candle
Once the photo is only ash, pour the remnants into the jar, and add three tablespoons of black salt, and 1 package of hot foot powder to the mix. Once the aforementioned has been done, secure the lid to the jar, and shake it hard for a good thirty seconds to mix it all together. If you are able, retrieve soil from the footprint of the stalker, and add it to the jar as well; this is not necessary but can add to the potency of the spell.
Once the mixture is complete, take it out and sprinkle it somewhere the stalker will walk across such as a threshold they will cross, across the pavement they will walk, anywhere where they will encounter it.
As you scatter the mixture, put forth your strongest intent against the person with your desire for protection from them.
Do this as many times as it takes to remove the stalker from your life. It usually takes three times for me, but don't worry if it takes a little longer.
#12 - Silence a Stalker
-Begin by taking the chicken feet and holding them parallel but opposite, (one foot up, the other foot down).
-Then, take the photo and roll it around the chicken feet.
-Take your black thread, and use it to tie the photo securely around the chicken feet. It is best to wrap it multiple times, and once it's been knotted, tear the thread with your hands.
-Put the chicken feet into the mason jar with the top of the photo facing down.
-Sprinkle the black salt into the jar, making sure you get some on the photo. Once you've done this, follow suit by doing the same with the hot foot powder and cayenne pepper. While doing this you should be focusing all of your energy on banishing the stalker from your life.
-Fill the jar with war water and screw the lid on tightly, then shake it vigorously. Once again, you should be focusing all your frustrations into the jar.
Once you have done all of these, take the jar and store it somewhere safe. If you're able, it is advised that you bury the jar, and cover it with a large stone. If preformed correctly and with ample intent, you should begin seeing effects within a fortnight.
#13 - Rose Petal Healing
This spell is best preformed on a new moon 1. Use the tea lights to make a circle 2. Place the bowl in the center of the circle 3. Light each candle one by one, thinking of a different good memory whilst lighting each one. 4. Pick up one rose petal, and catch it on fire using the flame of the first candle. Once it has begun to burn, put it into the bowl and allow it to burn out. 5. Repeat this process, lighting one rose petal using each candle, and allowing them to smolder and burn out 6. Take the ashes, or remnants of the burned petals and put them in the jar. 7. Bury the jar at a crossroad, as deep as you can, and walk away. Do not look back at where the jar is buried until you've made it home. After you've completed this spell, the healing process shall be in full swing.
Last edited on Jun 20, 2022
Part of the Second Sight Library.
#14 - Spirit Element Protection
Sit cross legged on the floor or ground. It's better to do this outside as you're closer to Nature. Place both candle's side by side in front of you, Put your gift into the center, between both candles. Light your Sandalwood incent with your wooden matches, and put it behind you ( not to close for safety). Then light your candles and put all burnt matches in your Heat proof bowl. Then chant three times:
"I am strong, as I am pure.
You are my Spirit Element unseen.
Accept this Gift that you see,
In Return please protect me.
So mote it be"
Make sure to give thanks to Spirit and blow out the candles. Take your burnt matches and give them back to the earth. Burying in the ground is best.
Last edited on Aug 11, 2022
Part of the Second Sight Library.
#15 - Saint Expedite Banishing
Write the target of your spell's name and identifying information on a slip of paper. Stick this paper into a balloon, then blow it up and tie it, trapping the name within. Attach this balloon to a statue of Saint Expedite.
Offer Saint Expedite a glass of rum and a slice of pound cake and tell him what you need. After you deem sufficient time has elapsed, release the balloon. Allegedly the person will depart in the direction that the balloon travels.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Second Sight Library.
#16 - Onion Banishing
Choose an onion whose appearance somehow reminds you of the target of your spell. Traditionally round shapes represented women, while sharp, pointy shapes indicated mean but choose whatever resonates with you.
Large, fat, tiny, thin. Even one that is horribly misshapen- whenever you have found your onion, hollow out a hole within it, carefully reserving the piece of onion you have removed. Write your targets name 5 times on a small slip of paper. Stuff this into the hole in the onion.
Close up the onion by replacing the cut-out piece. The next time the target of you spell leaves your home, discreetly roll the onion in their wake, before anyone else has the opportunity to cross the threshold, whether leaving or arriving.
Focus your mind exclusively on the person's imminent, permanent departure. Do not bring the onion back into your home but dispose of it outside, preferably as far away as possible.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Second Sight Library.
#17 - Four Thieves Banishing
Write your target's name on a piece of brown paper. Soak this paper in four thieves vinegar. Fold the paper and bury it in a flowerpot, ideally filled with crossroads dirt. Plant a cactus on top and keep the pot near the front door.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Second Sight Library.
#18 - Ultra Deluxe Banishing Powder
Mash all the ingrediants together in a mortar and pestle. Grind in a spice or coffee grinder to reduce to a fine powder. Sprinkle the powder on your target's doorstep.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Second Sight Library.
#19 - Banish Evil
Hammer the nail against the rock. The goal is not to pierce the rock but merely to score it three times across the face. Visualize what you are dispelling while you hammer. Bury the stone far away. Carry the nail in a red mojo bag, together with some crossroads and/or graveyard dirt.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Second Sight Library.
#20 - Magical Sign Animal
Write this message on three pieces of birch bark:
"I'm writing to the Forest Tsar and the Forest Tsarina and their small children. I'm writing to the Earth Tsar and the Earth Tsarina and their small children. I'm writing to the Water Tsar and the Water Tsarina and their small children.
I'm writing to inform you that insert your name has lost a insert color, gender, description insert type of animal including as much descriptive material as you feel is necessary to identify and distinguish your animal from other.
If you have him/her please send him/her back without delaying one day, one hour, one minute, one second. If you don't comply with my wish, I swear to pray and testify against you. If you comply with my wishes, I shall give you insert specific pledge."
Fasten one message to a tree in the forest. Bury the second in Earth. Attach a small stone to the third one and throw it into some living water.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Second Sight Library.