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2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2479 Beauty Spells
2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2479 Beauty Spells
  1. Psionic Kiss
  2. Powerful Dark Charm - Love
  3. Dyed Hair Veil
  4. Super Strength
  5. Chlorokinesis
  6. Healing Spell
  7. Hungary Water
  8. Aura of Attraction
  9. a spell to stop constipation
  10. how too get woman/man
#71 - #80
#91 - #100
#111 - #120
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#91 - Psionic Kiss

Kiss someone trough the realm of collective subconsciousness
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes focus on your pineal gland/third eye, and whilst you do the following repeat third eye stimulating mantra "thouh" (its pronounced same as "toe" :D), or use 3rd eye activation binaural beats, and visualize everything from first person view

    1. Imagine their face, visualize it as vividly as you can, see yourself from first person kissing them, feel it, feel their lips.

    2. More real you build it, more influence will you have on them.

    -For much more powerful version contact me via messages here on this site! if you are not member, make an account, its free!

    Added to on Aug 17, 2022
    Last edited on Nov 29, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #92 - Powerful Dark Charm - Love

    Real deal charm working trough pheromones and energy to win over anyone you desire!
    You may need:

  • Cotton Wool
  • Pachouli essential oil
  • Sandal essential oil
  • Any kind of pheromone perfume
  • Small pouch
  • Basic knowledge of energy work
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    You may need:

  • Cotton Wool
  • Pachouli essential oil
  • Sandal essential oil
  • Any kind of pheromone perfume
  • Small pouch
  • Basic knowledge of energy work
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    1. Take cotton wool and fixate it in any comfortable way to areas your body releases pheromones - armpits, crotches, neck below your ears, wrists. Wear it when you are aroused, feeling butterflies, having your private time, and while you sleep. its beneficial if you do it on new moon, or if you are girl do it when you have ovulation days. Do it as long as you wish, repeat process with one same cotton wool as long as you desire

    2. After you finish the first step, put that cotton in a jar you can seal and unseal at will, pour sandal and pachouli essential oil in the jar. Add as much of pheromone perfume as you wish in the jar. Note that there are peromone parfumes that will attract men or women, so buy and use one of your liking. leave it all thirteen days to rest sealed, then unseal it and add bit of olive oil to dilute it, then seal it again and next 13 days use basic energy work to pour heart chakra energy into it everyday. when those 13 days pass, open the jar again and add into it as much of your own saliva as you can. again seal the jar, and next 7 days you can choose which kind of energy you need to pour into it, if you are unsure of your looks pour sacral and root chakra energies, if you are shy and unsure, pour your solar plexus energy, if you want them to feel that butterfly tingling in their face whenever they hear your voice pour troath chakra energy, if you want to haunt their dreams pour energy from third eye.

    3. After whole 33 days have passed you can use the contents of the jar:

    A) use one same ear-stick to apply the liquid on your neck and wrists like you would perfume.

    B) take a small pouch, little bit of tinfoil and roll a bit of that soaked cotton wool from the jar into tinfoil and make lot of little holes in tifoil. then put that in a small pouch and wear it under the clothes sideling like a little pouch under your armpit on your hearts side.

    -For much more powerful version contact me via messages!

    Added to on Aug 17, 2022
    Last edited on Aug 17, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #93 - Dyed Hair Veil

    A light-coverage way of veiling that I have used for years.
    You may need:

  • Hair dye of your choice
  • Your truest intentions
  • Incense/candles (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Hair dye of your choice
  • Your truest intentions
  • Incense/candles (optional)
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    If you wish to veil but only need light coverage on a day-to-day basis, can't veil with cloth, or already dye your hair anyway, this might be the spell for you!

    Honestly, I'd call it more of a ritual. I like to choose a time when my energies are high-vibrational and steady-- the uncertainty and whipping emotional tsunami of a breakdown is not the best time to dye hair, I've found. I'm sure we all impulsively dye our hair in the midst of these feelings, but it won't serve you. When I've done this, I've often grown to hate the way it looks soon after. Plan ahead and reap the wonderful energy as you would from a planned and bountiful harvest, rather than eating seeds. You won't stay full long that way.


    I always recommend smoke/sound/spray/etc cleansing your space beforehand. I just like to make sure any energy that does not serve me won't get caught in the spell and trapped in my tresses T-T

    Lighting candles can help, I love to light them during any ritual or spell because the flame produces a nice neutral energy that can be used as you wish and thus increases the intensity of your intentions without leaving you exhausted.


    Then, of course, comes the dye. Try your best to meditate and focus on the intention of protection. If you wish to employ the aid of protective crystals or herbs, even better!

    Sound/music has great energy for me and I will play songs that reflect my intentions. Colour magick is a good tool here as well. You may align the dye colour with what you seek to attract, e.g. green hair for abundance. A green strand of hair seems likely to be a magnet for lucky or prosperous energies, much like static electricity between one's hair and a charged up party balloon!

    If you prefer to chant a spoken spell:

    Locks of [colour(s)] hair bring me what I seek

    Let me see beyond the veil to bring my soul mystique

    Streaks of [colour(s)] on my head will bring me what I need

    And chase away the evil eye, and make me hard to read

    [This/These] hue(s) that adorn(s) my crown will serve me very well

    And as [it/they] fade(s) I soften the intentions in this spell

    I'm left as strong and standing tall as a mighty Oak tree,

    To strangers, friends, and those between, so mote it be!

    Added to on Jul 28, 2022
    Last edited on Jul 28, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #94 - Super Strength

    This spell will give you superhuman strength, like Luisa Madrigal from the film “Encanto”.
    You may need:

  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • No animals around you
  • Nighttime
  • Earmuffs or AirPods set to noise cancellation mode (can be AirPods Pro) [if you have a pair of earmuffs:/airpods]
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    You may need:

  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • No animals around you
  • Nighttime
  • Earmuffs or AirPods set to noise cancellation mode (can be AirPods Pro) [if you have a pair of earmuffs:/airpods]
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    First, you need to sit on the edge of the couch/bed/chair or on the floor.

    Second, meditate to get your spirits up.

    Third, if you haven’t already got your AirPods or AirPods Pro in, put them in, put them on noise cancellation mode and say: Oh, Kratos, God of strength, hear my plea of superhuman strength, grant it to me please! So mote it be!!! 3 times. And think if it harm none, then let it be done. 4 to 8 times, it will probably take until 3 am for the super strength to come through, though.

    Added to on Jul 20, 2022
    Last edited on Jul 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #95 - Chlorokinesis

    This allows you to be able to make flowers follow you wherever you go as well as making different plants, like cacti for example, and you can also make a swing with vines for the chains.
    You may need:

  • Really strong belief
  • Bouquet of any kind of flowers, must be real
  • Outside, summer or spring, not winter or autumn because if you want roses, it’s ideal for spring.
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    You may need:

  • Really strong belief
  • Bouquet of any kind of flowers, must be real
  • Outside, summer or spring, not winter or autumn because if you want roses, it’s ideal for spring.
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    Chant this 5 times: Oh, Mother Nature, please gift me the ability to manipulate and spawn flowers, oh, please hear my plea! End with “So mote it be!” repeated 5 times. Wait a while and do whatever physical activity you wish

    Added to on Jul 20, 2022
    Last edited on Aug 11, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #96 - Healing Spell

    Use this spell when you are in a time of great need. It is a plea, it is admitting that you are vulnerable and request assistance. It does not take dishonesty lightly.
    You may need:

  • Your will/focus, your voice, a place to be alone and your honest need of help.
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    You may need:

  • Your will/focus, your voice, a place to be alone and your honest need of help.
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    Be open, be honest and be vulnerable. Focus and identify all the reasons you are asking for help with healing. Go somewhere you can be alone and focus on all of your feelings you have associated with your situation/pain and get to that mental/emotional place, where you are genuinely pleading for help. If this is your only option, then it will bless you.

    -If you are concerned as to what may hear your plea then I suggest that you include a specification of who your audience is.

    For Example: "May the Forces of Good only hear my spell and lend their help."

    Then continue with the spell,

    "Please help me now when I'm close to my goals,

    Please heal my wounds and my damaged soul,

    Help me now when I'm in this time of need,

    Bless me with confidence,

    help me to believe!"

    -This spell is written to help you help yourself, as well as to ask for mystical assistance.

    -A spell is written with the intentions of its maker, which affect it's results and creates its own karma. I recommend that you change up the ritual or wording to make it unique to you and your situation. Keep in mind that Magic tends to work in mysterious ways and you may find yourself having to re-write a spell because it wasn't specific enough, etc. That is why a strong intention is beneficial because if you are too loose with your intentions then you could have unwanted results.

    ~Blessed Be~ Have courage to admit weakness and may your inner fire be strengthened.

    Added to on Jun 22, 2022
    Last edited on Jun 27, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #97 - Hungary Water

    Rosemary reinvigorates more than psychic capacity. At age seventy-two, Queen Isabel of Hungary was crippled by gout and rheumatism. Her master herbalist concocted a reviving water for her, originally only with the intent of relieving her physical pain. The water was administered in daily vigorous massage. Not only was she soon moving, dancing as the legend goes, her former beauty and youthful aura were also revived. Hungary water has been popular ever since. The original 14th century formula called for one-and-a-half pounds of fresh flowering rosemary tops added to one gallon of alcohol and distilled. Should you happen to have distilling equipment, you can experiment with that, but modern versions also proliferate.
    You may need:

  • 1 ounce infused water of dried rosemary and vervain
  • 4 drops essential oil of rosemary
  • 4 drops essential oil of May Chang
  • 2 drops essential oil of German or Hungarian chamomile
  • 2 drops essential oil of peppermint
  • 1 drop essential oil of neroli
  • 8 ounces vodka or other scent-free alcohol
  • 1 ounce orange blossom water
  • 1 ounce rose water
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    You may need:

  • 1 ounce infused water of dried rosemary and vervain
  • 4 drops essential oil of rosemary
  • 4 drops essential oil of May Chang
  • 2 drops essential oil of German or Hungarian chamomile
  • 2 drops essential oil of peppermint
  • 1 drop essential oil of neroli
  • 8 ounces vodka or other scent-free alcohol
  • 1 ounce orange blossom water
  • 1 ounce rose water
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    1- Make the herbal infused water by placing equal proportions of dried vervain and rosemary in a metal bowl and pouring boiling water over them. Steep for 15 minutes and strain out the botanical material.

    2- Blend the essential oils and add them to the vodka in an airtight bottle.

    3- Next add the infused flower waters. Shake vigorously.

    4- Ideally, this beauty potion should now be allowed to mature for 6 months (giving the bottle a good shake every week) to gain full strength, however as it's pretty hard to wait that long, give it as long as you can.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #98 - Aura of Attraction

    A beauty/attraction based spell with few ingredients but heavy intention-based magick. Recommended for all magick skill levels.
    You may need:

  • Candle (preferably red)
  • Candle (preferably pink)
  • Previously created sigil design
  • Paper
  • Pen/marker
  • Voice
  • Cleansing materials (rosemary, sage, salt, etc)
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    You may need:

  • Candle (preferably red)
  • Candle (preferably pink)
  • Previously created sigil design
  • Paper
  • Pen/marker
  • Voice
  • Cleansing materials (rosemary, sage, salt, etc)
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    Read ENTIRE spell before casting!

    Note: this spell was designed to have people perceive you as more attractive. It creates an "aura" of attractive, sensual energy. It is NOT recommended to be used for love spells or to target a specific person -- also, it emphasizes the "divine feminine", but you can replace it with the divine masculine if you so wish!

    This specific spell is recommended for witches that are above 18 due to the usage of candles. If you are under 18, you can use crystals, rocks, or more sigils.

    Prep: make sure you design a sigil beforehand. [If you don't know what that is, look into sigil making -- it's an extremely flexible and powerful way to use magick without needing so many ingredients!] You can sketch the design softly onto the piece of paper that you'll use if you'd like a guide or if you won't remember the design.

    As with every spell, cleanse yourself and your surroundings -- physically and spiritually. Tidy up the space you'll use, use incense, sound cleanse, whatever you need.

    Spell: once you and your space is cleansed and filled with neutral energy, you may proceed.

    1) Ask your spirit guides or deities to help cast a circle. If you don't have a connection with either, cast the circle with intent.

    2) Put one candle to your front right, the paper flat on the ground in the middle, and the other candle to your front left. They should make a line

    3) Light the candles right to left, visualizing intent

    4) Draw your sigil slowly and deliberately, visualizing intent

    5) Put your hand gently on your sigil and say this slowly, deliberately, and sensually:

    Let myself become undone to my own beauty.

    Let the air I breathe into caress me gently, securely,

    and passionately, and the path I walk from here on

    glows into and from my own touch.

    I am beautiful. I am a figurine basked in siren’s

    Glow, and their eyes grow glazed at the sight of me.

    I am sensual. I am the divine feminine, power

    and grace building and building within my core.

    Let myself become undone to my own beauty.

    I am nothing but hypnotic. As I will it, so it will be.

    6) Breathe. Feel the intent reach into you. If you don’t feel like it was satisfactory, repeat the spell again loudly to enforce your intent. This isn’t necessary, but before you close the circle you want to feel confident that your sigil has been charged.

    7) Thank your guides or deities, blow or pinch your candles, and open your circle.

    8) Keep the sigil in a safe place out of sight, or use it in a spell jar/box or a necklace.

    Added to on Jun 01, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #99 - a spell to stop constipation

    so basically this makes you shit
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    ok so basically say this 3x

    oh great feces lord Sterculius

    please take my pain away

    let poop for a nother day


    Added to on May 26, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #100 - how too get woman/man

    you say larry 5 times
    You may need:

  • mouth
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    You may need:

  • mouth
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    go to mirror and then pull down your pants then scream at your vagina/penis then say larry 5 times

    Added to on May 21, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters