2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- No more hiccups (An easy working spell for baby witches)
- Cat Curse Spell
- Baby Iadian spell
- Acne Hex
- Empowering Spell
- Natural Beauty Potion
- Meditation to gain energy
- Kitsune spell
- Valentine's day spell for self love
- the new love from the heart
#101 - No more hiccups (An easy working spell for baby witches)
Sit in a meditative position, and picture yourself with a pentagram surrounding you. I like to visualize hiccups and energy leaving my body.
Chant the following as much as you want:
"Gods and Goddesses,
I call upon thee,
to seize these hiccups
feasting on me.
my energy shall be your reward,
as the sun and moon call north.
So mote it be."
#102 - Cat Curse Spell
To turn target n. into a cat so they don't come back. Just imagine their head talking to the dead and repeat this rhyme to turn them into a cat in time:
O n. O n., n. n. n. n, be a cat, hear my spell until you have fell, hear my rhyme in every chime, hear my chant until your a cat, hear it until you don't come back, cat's eyes reign, skin aflame, scratching claws, tail and fang, hiss and purr, feline flesh, purr and purr until nothing's left, feel it purr throughout your skin, turning you from within, burning and burning night and day, until your a little pussycat in everyway.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#103 - Baby Iadian spell
Say these words " I Invoke the Holy Name of Ra's al Olovime Your Child into me Caw Nee Faw Aut ." You should feel a tingling in your Womb thus Indicating that the spell worked. Iadians are able to take care of themselves from the Get Go , so a minimum level of Attention is required near constant for several years. the child will grow to Adult Size by age 3 and fully mature by age six. They'll make their own clothes too ,as well help you in many ways.
#104 - Acne Hex
Step 1: Find a picture of the target, if you don't have one. Get your piece of paper.
Step 2: With your writing utensils, draw their face w/ as most detail as you can. You don't need to be an artist, just try your best.
Step 3: Now that you finished your drawing, at the back of the paper write down their name. If you know it, add in their birthday or zodiac
Step 4: Using your coloring utensils, color in pimples on their. Like red for cystic acne.
Step 5: Now when you feel done, take the paper and rub the face side on any disgusting surface. For example, places w/ mold, grimy residue, gross oils, on the floor. Visualize the acne forming. Get creative!
Step 6: Take the now nasty piece of paper and place it in the container. Hide it in a dark place.
Step 7: Wait.
General Advice
Please place protections on yourself before performing. You don't want the hex to stick onto you!
To reverse the spell, take the piece of paper and burn it. Get rid of the ashes.
If you have performed this spell, message me and tell me your results. :]
#105 - Empowering Spell
Simply chant "infinita virtus in me influit. confirma me. conforta me. ditans me."
#106 - Natural Beauty Potion
This potion should be made on a Friday during a full moon.
Warm up whole milk to a comforting, yet not scalding temperature. Pour the milk into your favorite or most beautiful cup. Pour honey (to taste) into milk. Then, pour a small dash of vanilla into the potion. Mix clockwise. Perform these steps deliberately with intention; feel the essence of natural beauty being created within the potion. You can imagine the energy of this essence as an ethereal pink glow. Drink the potion slowly and visualizing its essence vitalizing your own essence.
#107 - Meditation to gain energy
Sit in a meditation position (legs crossed hands on your knees) in the middle of a room with no sound, close your eyes and take deep breathes. Once you are reloaded make a psi ball and hold it out in your hands. Keep on taking deep breathes and keep in the same position, one your arms feel tired imagine you suck in all the energy from the psi ball into your body. Once done put yours hands back on your knees, keep your eyes closed and maintain your deep breaths. If done correctly you should feel tingly or feel like your magical energy is restored, enjoy!
#108 - Kitsune spell
think of what you want your kitsune to look like
say/think: Oh king of kitsunes please turn me into a kitsune with (1-5 powers) powers and (fur color and list of patterns wanted). My eyes will be (eye color). Please allow me to become one with me true foxy spirit.
#109 - Valentine's day spell for self love
We all reach a time in our lives where we need to love ourselves instead of others for a change. This spell will help.
Open a bag of candy hearts, the ones with messages of course, and pour them into your bowl. Now close your eyes and pick a candy at random.Open your eyes, and looking into the mirror, read out loud the message on the candy heart. Repeat its message to yourself in the mirror three times . Say it like you mean it! After you do that eat the candy heart and repeat this process 9 times for 9 different messages. Now spend the rest of the day taking care of yourself and spoiling yourself whether that be to play video games to get extra sleep or even take a bubble bath, whatever makes you happy. And remember, you're worth the love from others.
Last edited on Dec 03, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#110 - the new love from the heart
With all from my heart I need to love. This is from the heart to love.
Last edited on Dec 03, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.