"Witches on high
Hear my cry .
Give me beauty
Skin deep
And I'll die
Immortal beauty do I want
Please i do cry
I swear I'll thank
Thee every day
So mote it be
This I pray"
This is a spell to be done just before you go to bed.
You may need:
Lavender or lavender oil
You may need:
Lavender or lavender oil
At your ritual space, or under the night sky, charge the candle with your intention of restful sleep and dress the candle with the oil. (Rub oil on your temples for added relaxation). Take a deep breath and lift your gaze at the beauty of the night sky. Note how peaceful the sky is.
Raise your arms in honor and call to the goddess of Night and the god of dreams and sleep:
"Beauteous goddess, Eternal One of starry heaven, glorious lady,
you who beholds the hours when sleep is due and dreams take wing.
Hold me in your warm embrace as I journey through the veil of dreams.
Grant me a deep and peaceful sleep that I may dream of the worlds unseen."
"Magnificent god, glorious and powerful lord of the gates of dreams,
Handsome winged lord that gives dreams to mankind.
Lord and lady I ask this of thee Help me sleep,
help me sleep well, help me rest, undisturbed.
Ward away dreams from my mind
And if they should come my way,
turn them into dreams of fun, light and fancy.
I have lost far too many hours of sleep.
No more! No more. good dreams now be mine!
Please help me, my lord, my lady."
Put your hands around the candle, a hand on either side. Imagine rays of light radiating out of the candle, threading through your finger and up your body, rooting you firmly to the ground. But at the same time, imagine your mind becoming free from your body, drifting off and leaving your body.
Closing your eyes, recite these words ten times.
"Sleep free me,
Dreams take me,
Dull my senses,
Let me sleep,
All night long."
Blow out the candle and allow your breath to guide you into a deep and restful sleep.
You will not see results immediately but given a couple of weeks, your hair will be fully and longer
You may need:
You may need:
In a quiet and comfortable place sit or lay down. Concentrate on your breathing. Slowly let your breathing become stronger and spaced out. Then start to visualize: Which each breath you take in draw in healthy energy that is the color of your hair. With each strong breath it release the energy through the top of your head, visualizing new strong and healthy shafts of hair (in the color of your hair) shooting up through your skin, making your hair fuller. Do this for as long as you can hold the meditation.
If possible do this a couple of times a day-when you have a quiet moment during the day and maybe at night before you fall asleep. This will not change your hair color like in the movies but it will HELP bring health to your hair. If you have issues of loosing more hair than you should, this may also help.
I have been doing this spell for a few years now myself. I would never recklessly post a spell I have not tested.
This spell may help you or some one you love have a baby.
You may need:
You may need:
Bess the cup and light the candle. Then mix the salt, water, lemonade, sugar together in the cup. Summon the guardians and chant- "Make (name) have a baby, may she get pregnant". Drink the potion.
Use this spell to make anyone think you look like something else.
You may need:
2 Candles
Black Magic
You may need:
2 Candles
Black Magic
1) Place candles in front of mirror.
2) In any language, curse the candles with black magic by chanting in any ancient language: With the power of Black magic,
I curse thy items held in my hands.
3) Think of appearance you want people to be see you as.
4) Chant: Apriencio fon takto,
Apriencio konsolo
(Note: That is the ancient language of the sorcerers in the clouds,
you're true appearance is shown in any mirror besides the one you used.)
This spell is for people who want to see deeper inside the world with blood red pupils.
You may need:
8 red candle and a full moon and belief.
You may need:
8 red candle and a full moon and belief.
Instructions: Put the candle around you siting on the ground by a window at night so the full moon can shine on you and the candles. Say: God of the earth take me deeper in the earth to know the secrets and the truth. i want blood red pupils that shine like the moon. Please let this happen. by the power of mote it me.
This is a spell I created for a friend of mine. She showed results(i.e. clear skin) within twelve hours. Good luck and many blessings.
You may need:
Brown(preferred) or Blue Candle
You may need:
Brown(preferred) or Blue Candle
This spell must be cast on a Sunday during the Waning Moon.
Meditate until grounded.
Light your candle and concentrate on the flame.
When you feel like you've centered your energy, say:
''Goddess of Beauty,
Goddess of Cleanliness,
Oh Please Aphrodite,
Rid my skin of Blemishes.
This is my will
So Mote it Be.''
Repeat as many times as you feel necessary, although it only needs to be recited once.
Please message me with your results (:
Cat ears and tail for yall people who love nekos and want to be one!
You may need:
You may need:
What you say: "I call upon you god to grant me the power to become a neko with(color ears) cat ears and (color tail) cat tail.Please just please by the power of 3,mote it be."