2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Awesome Clone
- Albino
- Warm You Up
- Fast Like the Wind
- Love Me
- A Vampire Spell
- Shield of Darkness/Glamour
- Beauty Time Girlfriend
- Best Ever Vampire
- Find Yourself
#1751 - Awesome Clone
Find a portrait of who you want to clone. Think about why you want to clone them. Then say the following spell: "One (name of person your cloning) is not enough, give this photo a life".
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1752 - Albino
"Eyes of red, hair of white,
Albinism at it's height,
Never return to who I am,
Albinism is where I stand."
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1753 - Warm You Up
When you are cold, chant:
"I am warm
Warm as fire
Being warm is my desire"
Keep chanting this until you are warm.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1754 - Fast Like the Wind
Get out the picture or paper and pencils and eaither draw what you would look like as a horse of put the picture in front of you. Then write what your charatistics and powers would be Example: breed, colors, speed, talk in any language, name, accessories.
Say "Horses, horses thats what i wish to be,be able to hear the hooves pounding on the ground. Horses, horses,that's what I wish to be, but only sometimes"
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1755 - Love Me
Cut one of the apples in half. Wash the knife then carefully cut yourself. Drip your blood one half of the apple. Cut a lock of your hair(yes using the same knife)
Place the bloody apple half and hair onto the tin foil. Pull one rose apart toss out the stem. Place the petals on the foil. Do the Same with the other rose *WAIT* cut yourself again drip each petal with your blood only once. Set the petals aside.
Fold the tin foil into a small square. Find a dirt path. Clear it completely of debris. For females* carve your name in the pink candle with your own fingernails and his in the red candle *For males* carve your name in the red candle and hers in the pink candle.
Light the candles (Warning do not use a lighter). Wrap the tin foiled square in anything that burns. Light the material it is wrapped in. Sit in front on the three flames and stare at them think about the one you love don't lose focus from them.
When the candles are completely gone (this could take up too four hours notice how I said SMALL) put out the fire. Wait for the foil to cool. Once it cool enough to tough recover the contents. Place them in the box. Then place the bloody rose petals in the box.
Take the second apple carve "Love me my soulmate For true loves bliss is all I feel for the Love me Love me Love me now and forever" carefully with the same knife you used to cut yourself. Hollow out the apple like a pumpkin on Halloween but more carefully. Place the apple in the box. Lock the box and place it in a safe area.
On the following month: Return to the site of the fire. Dig a hole three feet long I foot wide And two feet deep.. Place the box in the hole. Cover it with dirt. Wait until exactly midnight. Then set a fire above the hole. Chant the same thing you carved on the apple 10 times while staring at the flames. Wait one week. Recover the box. If you performed the ritual correctly your love shall love you in return the next month.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1756 - A Vampire Spell
Say this 10 times with a clear voice.
Blood Red, Pale Skin,
Moonlight, Draw Me In,
Quench My Thirst,
Coursing Veins,
Let My Body Feel No Pain.
Side Effects:
Sore throat - Burning sensation
Sensitive to sun
Stomach ache
Toothe ache
Craving for blood
Change of sleeping patterns
Heightened senses
Pre-cognitive visions
*NOTE you will only be slightly better at these abilities than just average humans*
Smooth, porcelain-like skin
Eye Colour change (Not drastic just a slight change)
More beautiful (Better looking to average human)
Little to no sleep needed
Hair will get darker/lighter (eg. brunettes go dark brown/black. dirty blondes go light blonde)
Canines go sharper
#1757 - Shield of Darkness/Glamour
Imagine being invisible. Just think about it. Imagine being this. Just feel like you are becoming invisible.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1758 - Beauty Time Girlfriend
Say this 10x: "Beautiful as a swan. All of my imperfections - be gone!" Then after you are done blow out candle.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1759 - Best Ever Vampire
Sit comfortably, light both candles and chant 10x: "Demons, rise from hell. Make me immortal. Hear my plea! Awaken me!".
Burn the picture of yourself over the black candle, then blow out the candles and wait.
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1760 - Find Yourself
Maybe before you start it would be a good idea to look through the spell see if you want to personalize it change the words to suit you that's fine also it would probably be helpful if you clear your mind and concentrate on what you wish to achieve by meditation
So stand in front of your mirror look your reflection right in the eye and say something along the lines of this:
"Clear and find what I have lost
Show my mind what you come across
Show me the answers, show me my way
Show me what I am forever always
Water clense me
Fire drive me
Earth ground me
Air insight me
By the power of the elements
Help me find
Te me that lies trapped inside
This is my will so mote it be"
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.