2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Patience Spell
- Spell of Adonis
- Lady Killer's Charm
- Love Spell
- Hair Growth Spell
- Hair Growth
- Eye Color Magic
- Glamour Spell
- Diet Spell
- Strength Spell
#1791 - Patience Spell
Let it all be banished from me.
As I say these words tonight,
Rage and anger shall leave my sight.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire,
I mold thy power to my desire.
Let my fire be doused by pure water,
and my spirit as sweet as a preachers daughter.
May these words ring through my mind
Until the very end of time.
By the power of 3 times 3,
As I wish it so mote it be.
#1792 - Spell of Adonis
"Lord Adonis, by your hands
Nature's beauty, through Earth it spans
God-like beauty, it does astound
With one look, shall Gaiea's daughters be bound
Give me beauty such as this
So no woman can resist
May my looks be be brilliant, so all may see
By my utterance, so shall it be."
Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1793 - Lady Killer's Charm
''Lord Adonis, by your hands
Nature's beauty, through Earth it spans
God-like beauty, it does astound
With one look, shall Gaiea's daughters be bound
Give me beauty such as this
So no woman can resist
May my looks be be brilliant, so all may see
By my utterance, so shall it be''
#1794 - Love Spell
Light the candles
Put the towel on your head
Believe that it will work
Say to the picture:
"You will love me,
Come and have tea,
Come and see me."
Burn the picture with the candles
Blow out the candles.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1795 - Hair Growth Spell
Around midnight on the evening of a new moon, place the container filled with the potting soil in the light of the moon.
Using the index finger of your LEFT hand, form a little hole in the soil, about an inch deep.
Speak the following words aloud:
"Luna opportuna, in your light I cause this spell,
Not to lose but gain, I wish,
Not wither, but do well."
Place the three seeds in the hole and cover them with the soil. Sprinkle a little water on the soil and then speak these words aloud:
"New life begins and with it, growth,
The swearing of a sacred oath,
That plantings done, shall fill the Earth,
And that from death, shall spring new birth."
Place the container in a spot that receives ample sunlight. Water daily. When the plant growth begins, so also will your hair growth and its health improve.
Repeat this spell as needed.
Not a spell for witch's with weak magick.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1796 - Hair Growth
Step 1
Choose a bright, sunny and warm day. Make sure your hair is clean; wash out all styling products that you might use. Massage your scalp, then brush your hair one hundred times.
Step 2
Light the candle and the incense.
Step 3
Mix the lemon juice, flax seed oil, egg, maidenhair, ginseng and lavender oil using the mortar and pestle. You should end up with a gooey paste. Rub into your hair and scalp, saturating your hair.
Step 4
Wrap the plastic wrap around your hair, and go outside. Let the sun work its magic on the potion; you should be able to feel it. After about an hour, wash the potion from your hair with regular shampoo and conditioner, but use the rain water to rinse your hair. Do not use styling products or a hair dryer for the duration of the spell, let nature take her course.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1797 - Eye Color Magic
(Light the candle white candle, close your eyes, and imagine your eyes changing all colors red-purple the white, gray, black, and brown. This way you can change your eyes to any color you please.)
And as they open the rainbow enters
(Open your eyes. Light the black candle.)
The color of my choice
As the rainbow enters
I can change my eyes to any color I want
As the rainbow enters
By the power of 3 times 3 let it be
By the power of 3 times 3 so mote it be
Let my eye color be under my control
By the power of 3 times 3 let it be
By the power of 3 times 3 so mote it be
I wish to change my eye color at my will
By the power of 3 times 3 let it be!
By the power of 3 times 3 so mote it be!
(Blow out both candles.)
-Say this either 3 times in the morning, afternoon, and evening or 3 times at both 12 sharp am and 12 sharp pm. Just make sure to keep the times the same each day. Say this every day until the spell is complete.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1798 - Glamour Spell
Next light the candles & stare deeply into the mirror
Visualize the change you want.
Recite this incantation aloud:
''Sacred flame, as you dance
Call upon my sacred glance.
Call upon my second sight,
Give me (fill in what you want here)
With your light.
Blessed flame, shinning bright,
Give me now my second sight.
Power of three, let them see, let them see''
#1799 - Diet Spell
His spell should be performed during a waxing moon on a night on which you can see the moon. It should be performed outside or with an open window facing the moon. Take the candle and point it to the sky. Imagine yourself thin. Carve the wish into the candle. Light it while saying:
"Tonight I come to you young Moon.
Help my efforts to not be in vain,
help me now to lose my burden
may I lose so you may gain."
Let the candle burn down then throw it away.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1800 - Strength Spell
"Strength of day,
strength of night,
give me strength,
beyond my sight,
so mote it be."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.