2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Become Kryptonian
- Skin Spell
- Become a Neko
- Are you guys truly in love?
- Make a Friend a Vampire
- Grow Ears or Wings
- Small Scratch Healer
- Ellion's Beauty
- Softer Skin
- Attraction Charm
#1821 - Become Kryptonian
You need to concentrate hard and imagine the planet krypton,imagine its beautiful landscape and then imagine you being born there, imagine being sent to earth and imagine the power. That is all side affects are uncontrollable flight and uncontrollable heat vision for a week you will also gain the power of super hearing, x-ray vision and super speed I tried on my friend and now he is like me mail me if it works
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1822 - Skin Spell
Now you've made it, this is how you USE it.
Take your warm water and towel and put them in front of you. Make sure the towel DOES NOT get wet in this part. Theres alot of diffrent ways to do this depending on where your need to use it. Let's say you need to this on your feet. Sit in a chair and put your feet in the water. Now put your feet on the towel. Put a little mixture on each foot and scrub on in circular motion. Rinse in warm water. Pat dry with towel. Put extra in second container.
#1823 - Become a Neko
-Make me a neko to frolic and play
(Color) (Animal) ears A (Color) (Animal) tail
And a retractable set of claws and fangs
By the power of 3
Make me what i wish to be:
A neko
Ears of (Length)
Tail of (Length) and (Thickness)
And claws of (Length) and fangs like daggers of (Length)
By the power of 3
So mote it be
Appearantly There's Side Effects (according to the original spell)
+craving milk/fish
+lower-back pains
+top-of-head pains
+wanting to play with balloons/feathers/string type objects
+being able to bond well with cats and the other way around
Original Spell:
Make me a neko to frolic and play
With a (color) tail and (color) ears
I want my tail to be (Length)
And to be (Fluffiness)
-Say it 3-4 times a day until the spell is completely finished processing
#1824 - Are you guys truly in love?
Now, find a room with at least 4 windows. Take 2 chairs and put them across from each other, so that you and your love are facing each other once you are sitting. Make sure that 2 windows are opened, the rest must be closed, including the door.
Now, put the red candle on the right side of you, and the white one on the right side of your love. Light the red one first, then the white. Make sure the you are thinking about your love, and your love is thinking about you.
Ok, now both of you close your eyes and just think about each other and your past for about 5 minutes. Let yourself breathe in the candle's scents.
Afterwards, each of you have to blow out your own candle, and sit in the dark for 3 minutes. If you get tensed up, it means you guys are not truly in love. If you feel tingly inside, and you feel unsure, well then, you're unsure. If you feel like you guys really mean a lot to each other, than you guys are truly in luv!
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1825 - Make a Friend a Vampire
Stand outside and look at the sky.
Chant "Of the shadows and night,give me the unquenchable thirst for blood and cloak me in a Vampire Bat's wings. At each sunset I shall transform to have no reflection,to have sharp fangs,grant me my wish to be a vampire"
Cut your hand and swallow a drip of blood.
Side Effects:
- Fangs will grow
- You will fear light
- You will constantly thirst for blood
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1826 - Grow Ears or Wings
For ears and a tail: All you have to do is think "I will grow (type) ears and/or a tail "then imagine it happening it will take tome
For wings: It is basically the same except you repeat "I will grow wings"
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1827 - Small Scratch Healer
Light the candle and say: "Mending and healing, mending and healing. This pain is the wound that I'm healing". Then take some of the melted wax from the candle and rub it on your scratch.
Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1828 - Ellion's Beauty
#1829 - Softer Skin
Put some oil on the index finger of your right hand draw a pentacle on your skin. After this massage the oil all over the selected area.
Dry with the second towel and say ''Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, bless me with your courtious gift of soft skin and kind heart. So mote it be.''
#1830 - Attraction Charm
Draw a heart on the paper with Red then retrace that with Pink.
Now write on the inside of the heart you drew and write: "Oh dear Cupid hear me out find me true love to come about find me my desire after this ritual I will be irresistable like fire tis my will so it shall be!".
After that crumble the peice of paper hold tight in your hand close your eyes imagine falling inlove then burn the paper and put the ashes into your locket wear it where you go and men/women will notice you.
If its a He then draw a heart with Red and Black if its a She then draw Red with Pink.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.