2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Aura Healing Tea
- Sun Strength
- Angel
- Call the Angels
- Mirror Beauty
- Prolonged survival
- Third Eye Spell
- To boldly go where no man has gone before
- Smooth Skin Spell
#2121 - Aura Healing Tea
1. Gather up all the Herbs, Crush them or Cut them into a Powder.
2. After that boil 250ml (8 fl oz) of Waterput 2 Tsp of Sugar into a Cup then add the Powdered mix into the Cup then pour in the Water and Before you Stir the Tea put your hand over the tea and say:
May this sacred Heal my Aura and bring me a Healthier lifestyle. Blessed be.
3. Then Stir the Tea 3 times Then say:
By the Power of Three So mote it be.
4. Then Drink all of the Tea.
5. If you Don't Choose to Cut or Ground them into a powder. Drain the Herbs with the Water into the Cup.
#2122 - Sun Strength
On a sunny day, go to an open space. Close your eyes and lift up the juice and then say: "By the power of the sun, power of the light, make my future vigourous and bright". Drink the juice and keep the candle burning. After drinking the juice, blow out the candle.
Last edited on Oct 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2123 - Angel
First you need to draw a 8 on a piece of paper, then go outside. This spell has to be done at night on a full moon. When you are outside, hold up the 8 so that the moonlight is reflecting off of the paper, then chant this:
"Angels, angels from far far away, take me high in the sky, let me be one of you. Wings of two ,I wish to fly just as high. I wish for wings as beautiful and as powerful as golden rings, take me far far away"
Say this at least 5 times or more to be more powerful. It will take at least a week for your wings to grow. In the morning of the seventh day, your wings will be spread out in your bed, so if you're a guy don't wear a shirt and if your a girl try to wear a sports bra.
Last edited on Oct 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2124 - Call the Angels
Have faith in God.Visualize what you need help with.Put the 20 white candles around you.Do not step out of the circle once your in it. Chant: "I call upon seven of gods angels to guid me and help me, I need guidance and and couldnt do this on my own". When your done doing all that you should feel relaxed and positive and full of energy.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2125 - Mirror Beauty
Look into the mirror and chant:
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all?
I clear my gaze,
I seek to see
The beauty that resides in me.
Make it shine and make it bright
like a beacon in the night
Clear for me and all to see
the love and beauty
that is me."
Say this three times for three days. On the fourth day, look at your reflection in the mirror to notice the difference.
Last edited on Oct 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
once you have chosen the person say the following:i curse this person that has done rong i curse him with no laughter and no cheer all his friends break up and his gfs or bfs are silent he will live like this for the rest of his days!
it will take time may side effect on yourself like :
head aches,power flow,pain in the stomach,stormy weather in your head,bad dreams.and finally powers get lost till the spell works but it will be good when you have a force feild protecting you GOOD LUCK!!
#2127 - Prolonged survival
#2128 - Third Eye Spell
Start by finding two stones, one black, one quarts from a river or moving body of water. Cleanse the stone first then lay them side by side on a black cloth after letting the rocks soak in the Voodoo potion in the sun for the day, and darkness for the night.
Sit with your leg crossed in front of your altar, back straight. Light the two candles on ether side of the potion. close your eyes and breathe in and out with the tip of your tongue on the line of your teeth. Repeat:
While picturing you running through the African forest. Imagine spirits of all kinds appearing before you, Ghosts, demons, Angels, Reapers, Faeries, Elves, anything you can think of that everyone says is unreal. Your third eye will let you see that aswell as see into the future.
hold the Quarts crystal to your third eye chant:
''Open vinnig is nou oop''
As you imagine your third eye slowly opening. Now put the black stone to your third eye and say:
''Seal. Seal. Seal.''
you may get a headache
#2129 - To boldly go where no man has gone before
Light each candle. Take time to think about what each candle represents as you draw that energy in. If using incense, light with one candle. gently shake out and relight with a different candle until the tip is aglow. Raise incense and state what is allowed in this space and what is not. For instance, no low vibrational beings allowed here. Higher vibrational beings/God/esses/ancestors etc I ask you to please protect my body whilst my spirit travels. You can cast a circle for this however I find it shows more trust for the beings you call if you do not. Just my opinion, of course. Fit this to you as you feel. Set the incense into the holder.
Pass tea and/or stone over the candles. Watch as they absorb the energy coming off each dancing elemental. Bring to solar plexus and breathe deeply. With clear tone and intention, state the following as many times as you feel necessary.
Strong spirit flies safe
Leaving sleeping body at peace
Flowing like water to rock
Learning and growing without cease.
Comfort in the spirit realm
I have been a million times
Can dance with the furthest star
Not bound by physical laws that confined
Keeping me here and now
Tonight I will fly free
To places only imagined
Soaring with new angles to see.
Time does not live here
Nor human laws of what and how
Tonight my mind will comprehend
Things my humans laws might not allow.
I am a part of the Universe
Let me swim safe in Her arms
The star sea is calling, I experience
Then return gently without harm.
Drink the tea slowly. Pass the rock over the candles once more. Place items before you and take up the incense. Lead it around your area. Pass tea and stone through the smoke. Take time to simply unwind. Watch the smoke, see the shapes and messages that pop out. Do not give this much effort, let it come to you. When finished, thank elementals for dancing and extinguish flames. Take the stone and place on your bedside table, in your pillow, anywhere you choose. Get into bed or however you prepare yourself for travel. Remember the words you spoke. The energy you called. The beings that are right beside you, protecting you. Let it your thoughts drift to a soft murmur, like that of a crowded room. I find it helps to picture them as droplets in a river, don't focus on one but the whole. If a thought becomes insistent on being thought of, bring your awareness to your nostrils. Notice how you breath, where it goes. How your chest expands and contracts. Enjoy.
#2130 - Smooth Skin Spell