2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Immortality
- Jade Power Spell
- Temperature resistance ( actually works!)
- Ash Spell
- Reiki vision
- Working Telekinesis Spell
- Under The Fox's Charm Spell
- Woober death
- Chocolate Dust
- Remember spell
#211 - Immortality
Contact me.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#212 - Jade Power Spell
"I have empowered myself with jade,
my weakness shall fade,
As I say so mote it be.
So mote it be (10 times whole thing)."
Holding Jade in Power Hand (Hand you write with).
Last edited on Aug 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#213 - Temperature resistance ( actually works!)
1) Gather ingredients.
2) Light the two candles and set them on the north and the south of you.then take the shell and put water into it, with your blood and the little tree branch to stir.
I have heat and flame, water and pain accept this gift o goddesses of me, this is my will, so mote it be.
Say this 3 times then dip the candles in the water at the same time.
Hold your crystal and drink the water; letting some energy flow from the crystal to you and back.
Side Effects:
- sore arms
- headaches
- insomnia
- random trees talking to you.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#214 - Ash Spell
Get a ball of hair from you comb, lavender, sage and then burn them to ashes. Find a pint sized glass bottle, put the ashes in it and shake it then leave it outside on the roof of your house for a day and night. Get your bottle then put it in the fridge for 5 hours and then send it to a friend and tell them to put the ashes on something small and precious like a necklace or ring and tell them to focus their energy into it. After a couple of days you will start getting thoughts that are not your own and then ask your friend what they were thinking of doing with you that day, and if they say exactly what you heard them thinking about doing that day there you go it's done.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#215 - Reiki vision
First focus on your fingers on a table or something flat. Sit down and put your hands at least two feet apart from each other. Spread your fingers from each other close your eyes and imagine your best friend or someone is hurt but their body is numb and there are no signs on the outside of his/her body.
Imagine you can suddenly see them as something else like a blue spirit or any color that gives you comfort and then imagine your least favorite color in parts of the body's spirit from and see the body agitated, and the whole body lighting up with your least favorite color and then try condensing that fake pain and watch it lead you to the source.
Look at your hands and try to see the same thing on a family member who has a broken leg, for instance, or arm and try to see the parts that are not in pain and see your favorite color and then try doing meditation for several days on that same set of mind.
Go out in the world and try to see people who are in a store or something and ask them if there in pain and if they tell you that they are and the reason and where its hurting at then your doing it right.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#216 - Working Telekinesis Spell
Say this Three Times God Who is in heaven hear me let me have the power of control items also known as telekinesis I shall use it for good not evil and realised with great power comes with great responsibility
#217 - Under The Fox's Charm Spell
Place the bowl in the center of the altar, draw a magick circle around the space of the bowl for the working with you finger visualizing energy. Then Place salt and the white flower of your choice into the bowl. Draw a summoning, or drawing in a pentagram in the air above the bowl while visualizing a white Red Fox getting closer into view. Visualize that magick circle you just drew trapping the fox spirit inside the circle, stabilizing the being behind the bowl. Take the red pen and petition paper and draw an attracting pentagram, the write around it these words," To become wanted after by the ones I see, may they only see me, safe I be around thy." then place the talisman you know have into the bowl. Visualize while in a trance yourself compelling the white fox to enter the talisman and serve thy for six days. When the Fox agrees and enters the talisman promise the spirt the white flower as an offering as well as the salt and energy from the bowl. ( Therefore not that talisman). After things are done end the spell by dispersing the magick circle. Place the bowl of salt and the white flower on your altar as an offering to the fox. Take the talisman and keep it on your person for six days then you will know to return it to the bowl as well as the fox it's self. You may also allow the tsukimono to live in your home or banish the being after it has taken its prize.
Last edited on Jul 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#218 - Woober death
point at the target and say "woober wants you dead now".
#219 - Chocolate Dust
Simple ingredients I love kitchen magic mix them all together have a restful nights sleep or remember something...these ingredients helped me remember
.just warm up.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#220 - Remember spell
Heat it up best feeling your memory will improve read my blog from real this helped me please do a look up teali johnson this is a witch place try for yourself
For this spell you need ingredients
One thing you need a mug
Clove spice
Coco power one or two round spoonfuls
Two round table spoons of sugar raw you pick
Milk any type I love goat milk best or heavy cream your choice
Place into your mug heat up