2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Natural Energy
- Become An Angel
- The Triple Goddess Mind and Body Spell'
- Audrey Hepburn Spell
- Longer nails spell
- Cure a sore throat
- how to go super saiyan
- how to go super saiyan
- Love Spell
#321 - Natural Energy
WARNING THIS IS FORBIDDEN WHICH MEANS IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS! Natural Energy is the type of energy that is unique in it's own way. This energy is what makes up the functions, strength, physics, time and force in this world. Most beings get natural energy normally but since they don't know how to control it it's not that powerful. People who don't practice this form of energy can't understand nor comprehend what it feels like to have it. It's like a sixth sense in a way since you don't know the feeling of it unless you have it. In order to get natural energy you have to stay still. You can breathe but it will take longer. You can also visualize the energy coming towards you without standing still but this can sometimes corrupt it if you can't concentrate while doing this. Natural Energy is more than a power-up or boost. It enhances a beings physical strength and speed and it can also change the physical form. Now doing this won't mean that you can shape-shift into a bear or vampire or dragon. You can do that but... you may die while trying. If you take up a lot you can change your looks. Normally in the first stage marks can appear on your body mostly on face. You can even give yourself wings or horns but the risk is that you might damage your body. If you keep calm and absorb it without struggle or believe it won't hurt you you'll get the pure form of it. You need A LOT of belief in order for this to work. Your senses will boost up a lot to the point where you can react to things without EYES even. I am not responsible for what happens. People even have a affinity for absorbing this energy so which makes them immune to it. Also just a heads up you can imagine any color of what the energy could be. But if you can't do this then imagine either one: Purple which indicates the power form of it which is the dangerous but powerful one. Two: The lava like color which indicates the body changing of it. It's the second most dangerous but can be the easiest to absorb. Three: Green which indicates the pure or normal form of it which is mostly absorbed by concentration. It's the safest one.
#322 - Become An Angel
First put some water in the pot. Second put some olive oil in the pot and mix, and then light up the candle. (USE FIRE SAFETY)
And then do the spell while stirring.
Good luck and love to all!
#323 - The Triple Goddess Mind and Body Spell'
Repeat as needed...
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Make my mind at ease,
Grant me balance and
Grant me peace,
Goddesses I am with you,
So be with me.
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Make my body at ease,
Grant me with your serenity
And grant my body
With good strengthening,
Oh Goddesses I thank thee,
So Be It, Blessed Be.
(After you feel you have reached a point where you no longer have to chant and have successfully worked up enough energy. You may either choose between meditating until the candles burn out. Of course that might also require someone with there meditation skills down. Otherwise drinking your favorite tea with music going in the back ground while you do something preferably calming, like if you enjoy writing or drawing. Just try to do something relaxing until the candles completely go out.)
#324 - Audrey Hepburn Spell
Light the candle and place it on top of the photo of Audrey Hepburn. Then hold your dominant hand over the candle and chant:
"Audrey, Audrey, Audrey Hepburn.
I call your spirit from the heavens to show me your power.
I summon Venus' power to change my appearance.
Audrey, Audrey. Make me look like you.
This is my wish so mote it be!"
WARNING: Do not try if you are male.
#325 - Longer nails spell
1. Place your nail in the bowl of water. If its your finger nail you want longer, place your finger in the water. If its your toe nail, then place your toe.
2. Chant three times:
Nail, I command you to grow. Two times longer than you already are. An average nail is not what I need. Make yourself longer, to you is what I plead.
*There is no telling how long your nail will grow. It will either grow a few inches or even go up to seven inches.*
Fix yourself a cup of hot tea, hot chocolate, or coffee. After you have drank whatever you fixed a cup of, plug in your headphones into your cell phone and go to YouTube and just type in 24 hours of Meditation Music.
Put your headphones in your ears and lay down on your bed and you will be asleep in no time
#327 - Cure a sore throat
-Make a cup of mint or green tea before bed.
-While stirring say, "My throat is dry, my voice is hoarse. May this tea help break the curse, let it flow upon its course. May my voice be like a bell, may this tea make me well."
-Drink all of the tea.then lay down to sleep.
#328 - how to go super saiyan
Look down at the ground, drop your arms, and begin to focus your rage. You're going to need to do a lot of teeth grinding. If you start unintentionally rage-grunting you're on the right track.
Breathe slowly while flexing every muscle you have. If this induces tidal shifts, lightning strikes, and FPS (floating pebble syndrom) proceed to step 4.
Are you still flexing? You'll know if you can see every vein in your body. Tilt your head back while still maintaining that rigid posture. You'll notice a hair color change, and your vision will seem odd. This will be the first glimpse at your Super Saiyan form...or perhaps an anyeurysm.
Pay no mind to the stunned spectators around you. They could attack but are usually too mesmerized by your awesomeness to get wise and attack your completely vulnerable state. Once you see the ground crack beneath your feet the fun begins!
Now that your veins are bulging to a point of breaking, yellow energy should begin to envelop your body. You won't see this as your eyes will be far back into your head at this point. Just wait ten seconds or however long you think it's appropriate for step 7.
Scream like a motherf*****.
Congratulations! You are now Super Saiyan! Side effects may include berating your son, kicking ass like you never thought possible, and destruction of planets. Good luck, and let me know the results!
#329 - how to go super saiyan
#330 - Love Spell
Last edited on Mar 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.