2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Health, Beauty, Fitness, Attractiveness, Youth, Smile, Tranquility
- Gillpanda spell.
- Fat belly spell
- Golem Eyes (time sight)
- Health, Youth, Beauty
- Hunter's Curse Enchantment
- how to go to the astral world
- Magically Look How You Desire
- Make a Wish Spell
- Beauty Spell
#331 - Health, Beauty, Fitness, Attractiveness, Youth, Smile, Tranquility
Health, Healthier
Beauty, more beautiful
Efficiency, more efficient
Attractiveness, More Attractive
Youth, Smile, Peace more
#332 - Gillpanda spell.
Will not change gender for guys.
Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#333 - Fat belly spell
Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#334 - Golem Eyes (time sight)
#335 - Health, Youth, Beauty
Repeat a minimum of 9 times: "Health more". Later repeat a minimum of 9 times: "Youth more". At the end repeat at least 9 times: "Beautiful more."
Last edited on Nov 03, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#336 - Hunter's Curse Enchantment
God of the hunt and bringer of beasts look at thy offering for you to feast.
If thou is willing then blow this candle make it dim.
May thou feast on this liquid to quench your thirst but i have a request of you first, bless this ring/pendant with your gifts.
After that thank the god Orion for his time you may feel a little twinge of pain for a second, that means Orion is in control then drink the blood/water and thank him for his time once more blow out the candle and put the item on. wear it overnight for the effects to sink in.
#337 - how to go to the astral world
slef come out of you. then when i does say to your self go to the astral plane then soon. you will be there.
#338 - Magically Look How You Desire
-Creating a Drawing-
On a full sheet of plain paper, draw/print an image of who you want to to look like. It can be a character, an edited version of you, anything.
Above or below the drawing, sign your preferred name (whatever you'd like people to call you out of your name; nickname; middle name; last name).
On the back of the paper, in gold or silver, draw a religious symbol- preferably a pentagram, or your religious symbol mixed with a pentagram (e.g. a pentacross).
-The Spell-
1. Go into your bedroom (or any quiet, cozy place) and dim the lights.
2. Place your paper on your bed, desk or floor neatly, with the symbol side down and the drawing/image side up.
3. Arrange the candles around it based on how many you have (e.g. 1= Above the paper; 2= On either end/side; 3= Triangle; 4= On all corners; 5= Star).
4. Place the glass of water above the paper and candles.
5. Light the candles- clockwise, if applicable.
6. Chant this aloud:
"O God of Light and Goddess of the Sea,
Listen now and hear my plea,
The moon is empty, a chance for a start,
There's magic and hope in my heart.
I wish to change how I look,
How I'd be described in a book.
I find glory in the picture before me,
That is how I want to be.
I don't desire an instant change,
Or one that would seem very strange.
Instead, when the moon is full,
My transformation will be complete in whole.
Bless this water to give me my gift.
When I drink it, the start of action will be swift.
Thank you for listening to me,
Best wishes and blessed be.
That is my wish, so let it be."
7. Take a drink from your glass. Drink as much as you want, but don't drink more than you feel like.
8. If the candles are real, let them burn out. If they're not, leave them on until midnight. (If it's already after midnight, leave them on for an hour.)
Remember, you won't just magically change. The process will be natural. If you're changing your hair color, your pigmentation will change- which means instead of the hair you already have changing, your hair will start growing a different color.
---Side effects:
-Aches (if changing body shape)
-Hair pigmentation changing colors (if changing hair color)
-Eye pigmentation changing colors (if changing eye color)
-An accidental loss of some of your hair, or a change in hair type/texture (if changing hairstyle)
-Feeling tired or shaking
You will see results on the next full moon. If you have any questions, contact me through SoM mail. Be sure to contact me to let me know if you tried it, what you did and if it worked.
Blessed be!
#339 - Make a Wish Spell
Before you begin the spell, decide which method you will be using.
The stash method. (Recommended.)
You will be storing your paper with the wish in a small container, like a box or a bag. This container must be kept somewhere safe and can be decorated however you desire. You may want to stick in some jewels, confetti, or ribbons inside, as well as a fresh scent if you desire. However you want is the best way. This container and the wishes inside may NOT be found by anyone else or they will NOT work... and people will see what you wrote.
The nature method. (Second-most recommended.)
You will be throwing your paper out a window. This works best if you live in the woods or on a high story of a building. Make sure you don't throw it where someone will find it. If you like the element Water, it may be best to toss it into water, such as an ocean or river.
The trash method. (Not recommended.)
If you simply cannot do the methods above, you may try this method. You will be disposing of your paper in the trash. It's easier than the above methods but not recommended, as you would be treating your wish like trash.
Now, here are the instructions for the spell:
1. Write your wish (phrased: "I wish ...") on a piece of paper. Take care to remember exactly what you wrote.
2. Slip the unfolded paper under your pillow and lay down on it for about 5 minutes. It's best to close your eyes and fantasize about what you'll do when you get your wish, but you can do whatever you want if you get bored.
3. Take the paper out from under your pillow, fold it 3 times, and touch it to your cheek or kiss it.
4. Dispose of/put away your wish in one of the methods explained above.
5. Once that is done, pronounce the word 'Jaaval' four times, then repeat exactly what you wrote on the paper.
It's that easy! Contact me through SoM mail if you have any questions, I'd love to hear if it worked for you.
Best wishes!
#340 - Beauty Spell
If you want to have better chance for it to work then say these few words:
Spirit of beauty
Spirit of peace
Please share
Your gifts with me
Then just say thank you. Repeat this process for 5 days.