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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Opening Your 3rd Eye Spell Rite
  2. Get Rid of Pain
  3. Remember a Dream
  4. Sense increasing spell
  5. Sing Like an Angel
  6. Water Meditation
  7. Wolf Alpha
  8. Wizard to Wizard
  9. Werewolf/Lycanthrope/Loup-garou spell
  10. Opposite Shrink

#1561 - Opening Your 3rd Eye Spell Rite

Great for the first time you open you 3rd eye or cleanse the ruling chakra
You may need:

  • For this spell you will need:
  • 3 purple candles
  • 3 Black Candles
  • 3 White Candles
  • Mint Incense
  • Meditation pillow/stool/chair
  • (Any music you see fit)
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    You may need:

  • For this spell you will need:
  • 3 purple candles
  • 3 Black Candles
  • 3 White Candles
  • Mint Incense
  • Meditation pillow/stool/chair
  • (Any music you see fit)
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    This spell rite is best worked at night or at the very least dusk.

    Start off by laying out the 9 candles list ina large circle one the floor in an area large enough where you will be sitting comfortablly in the middle of the circle, (vary them in Black, Purple, White, Black, Purple, White, Black, Purple, White order.)

    In the middle lay your meditation pillow. f you do not have one, a comfy chair will do or you can sit on the floor. Also in the center place your cencor with Mint incense, be it powder or stick.

    Start the rite by Invoking your god and or goddess that is attributed to ''Psychism'' such as Hera or Psyche. Do not invoke a god or goddess you are not familiar with or not attuned to. To said divinty say a general prayer. After the prayer say the following:

    ''Sweet god/dess ________ to you I pray, to you I ask.
    Join me in this rite, help me to see beyond what my eyes see.
    Help me divine ________ to open which is closed
    And to awaken the powers and gifts you have given to me at birth.
    Help me ________ Open my 3rd unseen eye,
    that I may be more aware of the divine and that which I can not see.''

    Now light the black candles one by one. As you light each black candle say the following:

    ''In the darkest of the universe comes light to let us see.''

    Next light the purple candles. With each candle lit say the following:

    ''Power of the gods, bring to me the power to open my unseen eyes and the power within.''

    Lastly light the White candle. With each candle say:

    ''Power of purity, grant that all I see and all I inherit be opure and safe.''

    Take a moment now and absorb in the glow of the flames, look at each one and draw in the color of each candle. Feel the color penetrate your body, fill your body with the light and up to where your third eye is. Take you time with this and revel in the color and the feel.

    Next light the incense and use it as so sort of saging to purify and cleanse you, but also to awake yourself. mint has the ability to do that. feel it stimulate the area where you third eye is. When done sit back down and rest a second, let the incense continue to stimulate your senses.

    Now lift your face upward and open your hands palms up, in an act of prayer and recieveing. Say the following:

    ''Sweet god/dess _______,
    With your divine power I ask of thee,
    Open my divine eye that I may see you.
    Open my divine eye that I may work for you.
    Here I am ______, you son/daughter,
    Enwrapped in this cicle of candle glow.
    Please sweet god/dess ________,
    help me awaken my soul and spirit,
    Help me increase my psychic abilities,
    By opening up my third eye.
    This I ask of thee.''

    Now relax and slip into a meditative stasis. Envision your third eye as a white flower tighly closed in the region of your third eye. Start to take slow deep breaths. With each breath you take in, draw in the magic power about the room. With each breath out, use that power to start slowly opening the flower. you may find that it will take a while for the flower to fully bloom. It will probably take a few of these spell rites. Do you rush it at all. Infact I highly encourage you to hold this spell rite over the span of 5-7 days.

    When done with the meditation, you should feel a bit lighter and you may feel like you have a headache. Do not panick. This is because you are opening up a part of yourself that has been closed tight. This will stop in time. Blow out the candles when done but let the incese burn out on its own. Infact if there is incese still burning, take it into the bathroom and slip into the relaxing bath. It is a great way to get the maxium of maxium of your incense.

    I personally have found this spell rite great if repeated once or twce a year. It helps clean and clear the 3rd eye. If you see your (flower faded, changing color or wilting) it is definatly time to perform this spell.

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1562 - Get Rid of Pain

    This spell works to ease your pain.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine the pain leaving your body, then chant three times: "Gods and Goddesses, please take my pain. So mote it be"

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1563 - Remember a Dream

    Does not matter if sleepy or not but better off sleepy and Make sure no nosies keep you off track or else not focus on the spell.
    You may need:

  • Abilities with witchcraft
  • Mouth
  • Mind
  • Believe
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    You may need:

  • Abilities with witchcraft
  • Mouth
  • Mind
  • Believe
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    Before you get ready for the spell make sure you believe in it & don't think hard about it.

    1. Once you are ready and calm down .. now, Repeat this in your head till you remember the lines: "I will remember each dream I have, I will wake up after each dream I have, And think over my experience."
    2. And every now and than while you trying to get some sleep "say" it a fews more times 5-9.
    3. So once you done all this do it one more time on a different schedule.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1564 - Sense increasing spell

    This is a spell that increases one of your spells. You can choose which one. All senses included.
    You may need:

  • Any scented item (may be used for smell increasing spell, optional)
  • Anything that makes noise (may be used for hearing increasing spell, option)
  • Daytime (may be used for sight increasing spell option, needed.)
  • Something with texture (may be used for feeling increasing spell, optional)
  • Food with spices (may be used for taste increasing spell, optional)
  • Your voice
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Any scented item (may be used for smell increasing spell, optional)
  • Anything that makes noise (may be used for hearing increasing spell, option)
  • Daytime (may be used for sight increasing spell option, needed.)
  • Something with texture (may be used for feeling increasing spell, optional)
  • Food with spices (may be used for taste increasing spell, optional)
  • Your voice
  • Belief
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    Sight increase instructions:
    Sit down with your legs crossed, then close your eyes and chant: my eyes are small but I see them all, I can see for miles away, like an eagle I stare, I can see all the trees and animals a mile away, but for only an hour will my eyes stay this way. So more it be. Look around you, you should be able to see better. (Note: the spell may take a minute before reaching its full effect.)

    Hear increasing instructions:
    Sit down with your legs spread out, then close your eyes and chant: my ears are small but I hear them all, the people a mile away, the mice scurrying under the house, the birds wings flapping in the wind, but only for an hour will my ears stay this way. So mote it be. Keep your eyes closed and listen you should be able to hear better, you can open them after about a minute. (Note: the spell may take a couple minutes before reaching it's full effect.)

    Smell increasing intructions:
    Lay down on your back, then close your eyes and chant: my nose is small but I smell them all, the dogs, the cats, and all the animals, the food in the kitchen, the people in the house, but only for an hour will my ears stay this way. So mote it be. Keep your eyes closed and smell around, you should be able to smell better. You can open your eyes after about a minute. (Note: the spell may take a minute before reaching its full effect.)

    Feel increasing instructions:
    Stand up in grass outside then close your eyes and chant: My body is small but I feel it all, the grass beneath my feet, the wind blowing on my hands, the clothes on my arms and legs, the hair in my head, but only for an hour will my body stay this way. So mote it be. Keep you eyes closed and feel around, you should be able to feel things better. (Note: the spell may take a couple minutes before it reaches its full effect.)

    Taste increasing spell:
    Lay down on your stomach then close your eyes and chant: my tounge is small but I taste it all, the spices in food, the flavors in meat, the juices in fruit, the dough in bread, but only for an hour will my tounge stay this way. So more it be. Keep your eyes closed and taste the air, your taste should be increased. (Note: the spell may take a couple of minutes before reaching its full effect.)

    You must be very powerful to add on more than an hour, can only be used once a day.
    Mail me for more questions at darth_mavy :)

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1565 - Sing Like an Angel

    All you need is your voice and to say the incantation once to sing like an angel.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say out loud once

    "I invoke the beauty
    Of my God given singing voice
    From now on I will sing like an angel
    Even I will be able to hear the beauty of my voice
    And everybody shall hear it too"

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1566 - Water Meditation

    Helps if you're stressed having a bad day or just wanted to be calming.
    You may need:

  • A plastic cup( regular size cup)
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • A plastic cup( regular size cup)
  • Water
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    Get a plastic cup of water and fill the plastic cup half way full of luke warm water. Then place it on the top of your head and let it drain. While it drains think of all the negativity or thoughts drain with it.

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1567 - Wolf Alpha

    This is a spell that turns you into a alpha wolf.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Will become a werewolf. In human and wolf form, I will be 200x stronger than an elephant, 100x faster than a cheetah. I can go into temperatures of -40 degrees celsius and up to 120 degrees farenheit. I can hear up to ten miles away and smell up to two. In wolf form I will look like (describe your form). My transition will be painless and fast. Wolfbain will be my only weakness"

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1568 - Wizard to Wizard

    This is a spell that can give your other wizard friend the power of the element you possess.
    You may need:

  • A wand
  • A candle any color
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    You may need:

  • A wand
  • A candle any color
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    Light the candle and heat up your gem in your wand. Then sit across from your partner and point your wand at their heart then chant:" I take the power of (your element) and give it to (your friends name), for a day they will control this element, but only to use its power for (good or evil). So mote it be! " Then blow out the candle.

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1569 - Werewolf/Lycanthrope/Loup-garou spell

    A Werewolf/Lycanthrope/Loup-garou spell. You HAVE to believe in yourself and in magic for it to work. It is NOT like in the movies obviously though. But you will have a better sense of smell,sight and hearing.
    You may need:

  • Paper.
  • Pen/marker/pencil.
  • Strand of hair.
  • Scissor to cut it with.
  • Something such as a razor or knife or something sharp to cut yourself.
  • Your blood.
  • Full moon (works better).
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    You may need:

  • Paper.
  • Pen/marker/pencil.
  • Strand of hair.
  • Scissor to cut it with.
  • Something such as a razor or knife or something sharp to cut yourself.
  • Your blood.
  • Full moon (works better).
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    Get a paper and pen and write:
    Fur colour: (add colour)
    Eye colour: (add colour)
    Cut a strand of hair and cut yourself,add some blood with the strand of hair,put them both on the paper,then chant:

    ''By the light of the Moon and our piercing howls,we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life,to the evolution of men,I shall be reawakened as one with the land''

    ''Goddess,Goddess of the night,stalking hunting out of sight,please lend me your robe of furs and the teeth sharp as daggers.
    Goddess,Goddess of the night,eyes of gold and teeth of white''

    (Chant these two as many times as needed)

    (Then finish it with these four words)

    SO MOTE IT BE!!!

    Burn the paper with the strand of hair and the blood completely,then throw the ashes outside. It must be full moon to work better,but you can try with any moon.
    Go to sleep afterwards and it should start to work.
    If not wait a few days or even weeks.
    If it still doesn't work then keep doing it every month on full moon.
    You NEED to believe in it to work,otherwise it won't.

    Side effects: headaches,other body pains,anger,being really hot like burning,eye colour change,sharper teeth,better sense of smell/hearing/sight,wanting to be outside more such as in the woods/forest/or park,sharper nails,you may get more hairier than before,you may heal faster,etc.

    If you are experiencing anything like this then it is more than likely that the spell worked.
    Any other side effects message me.

    Blessed be.

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1570 - Opposite Shrink

    This spell makes grow a little bigger despite the words.
    You may need:

  • 1 red/pink candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 clear bowl of water
  • Rose Mary
  • Rose petal
  • Sand
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    You may need:

  • 1 red/pink candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 clear bowl of water
  • Rose Mary
  • Rose petal
  • Sand
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    First you put the bowl of water in front of you. Then you put the rosemary and rose petals in the bowl and sprinkle some sand in the bowl then you put the red/pink candle to the right and blue to the left and light them in the same order. Next you chant ,"shrink-a-dink, take this body down a size,until they realized that an hour has passed so mote it be." Then blow out the right then left candle then stick your hands into the water and swish them around and you feel taller for a minute or two.

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters