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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Awakening
  2. To Banish A Fear
  3. Personality Change
  4. Spirit Dish
  5. Curing a headache
  6. Untangle your hair
  7. Sleep Spell
  8. Werewolf Transformation
  9. The Eye Color Change
  10. The Aid of Earth

#2171 - Awakening

Spell to awaken anything and everything in a room or a circle.
You may need:

  • Though you can use some if you wish to increase the spell and its power.
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    You may need:

  • Though you can use some if you wish to increase the spell and its power.
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    Well there aren't really any instructions but here are the words:

    "Awaken all within this room be it alive or dead come now for the time is at hand. Awakened not for doom or gloom but to help those in need. This spell I cast in desperation this last resort must be taken. Awaken all and help me now, Awaken all and heal them now!"

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    #2172 - To Banish A Fear

    The title is very straightforward, so you shouldn't have any trouble figuring out what this spell is used for.
    You may need:

  • Pencil
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pure intention to get over your particular fear
  • Pure concentration/focus
  • Plant pot with a plant occupying its space
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    You may need:

  • Pencil
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pure intention to get over your particular fear
  • Pure concentration/focus
  • Plant pot with a plant occupying its space
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    1.) Write "I am fearless" on the very top of the paper (as close to the edge as you can get it) until you cannot write it anymore.

    2.) Then write this affirmation the same way on all the other sides of the paper until you create sort of a "box" around the area of the page.

    3.) Next, write your fear in the middle of the page.

    4.) As you look over your fear on the page surrounded by the fearless affirmation to snuff it out, chant this over the finished page:

    "In this box I place my fear,

    To send it far away from here.

    Do not let me deviate,

    From my mission, nor my fate.

    Banish that which holds me back,

    So I can get things back on track."

    5.) Take the paper and fold it "hamburger-style" (short end to short end), and as it's newly folded fold it again in its folded form "hotdog-style" (long end to long end).

    6.) Take your twice-folded paper and place it under an occupied plant pot as you visualize the plant absorbing and grounding your fear, leaving you completely free of this particular fear.

    7.) After about 30-35 minutes, take the paper out from under the plant pot and throw the paper away. Thank the plant for all its graceful and healing aid in your Magick.

    8.) Now feel, sense the new control and power you have over what you had particularly feared before.

    **NO guarantees this spell will work for everyone: If your fear is initially too strong to overcome using Magick then you will need to take a mundane, normal approach to it and deal with it. Afterward, this spell can be used to erase any last remnants of the fear, and/or just to make sure the fear stays away for good.

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    #2173 - Personality Change

    A spell that changes your personality.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Think of how you want to be. Let it echo in your mind for an hour while you focus on it, projecting the personality you want stronger and stronger onto yourself. Do this 13 days in a row.

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    Last edited on Sep 28, 2016
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    #2174 - Spirit Dish

    This dish increases your powers no matter what the power is.
    You may need:

  • 7 big mushrooms
  • 1 to 2 glass pulp orange juice
  • Teaspoon of garlic powder
  • Teaspoon of black piper
  • Teaspoon of sea salt
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    You may need:

  • 7 big mushrooms
  • 1 to 2 glass pulp orange juice
  • Teaspoon of garlic powder
  • Teaspoon of black piper
  • Teaspoon of sea salt
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    Chop up the mushrooms and put them in a pan. Add the glass of orange juice. Turn the stove to high or medium for 4-5 minutes. Stir it and add salt and black pepper, then simmer for 8 minutes. This dish is meant for spirits but it can also energize you.

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    #2175 - Curing a headache

    i simple energy motion to help get rid of that nasty headache. cause we all get them. it is simple. may be hard to perform with migrane because it requires some amount of focus.
    You may need:

  • your hand
  • mind
  • body
  • headache/pain
  • awesomeness
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    You may need:

  • your hand
  • mind
  • body
  • headache/pain
  • awesomeness
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    get into a meditative state and think of the pain as an external leech on your forehead or wherever. focus on the pain in that form. then take your main hand and slowly pull the leach off. repeat if necessary. works best if your eyes are closed. can be done at any point in time.

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    #2176 - Untangle your hair

    WARNING! Might only half work, meaning it will make it easier to comb your hair.
    You may need:

  • A wand
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    You may need:

  • A wand
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    Just say the following words once in this order

    Tangled mess
    Tangled theas
    Get these tangles out of this mess!

    And imagine your hair looking tangled free and all pretty (no stuff in your hair) And on mess theas and the second mess, tap your wand to your head

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    #2177 - Sleep Spell

    This spell will help you sleep, do this before bed. Note: Only use if you are having problems sleeping for this spell is meant to make you sleep and stay asleep for at least eight hours if done right.
    You may need:

  • Meditation
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    You may need:

  • Meditation
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    Just sit in a room on a chair or bed.
    Now close your eyes and feel yourself going into a deep meditated state of mind.
    Recite once:

    "Into the dark of night,
    Let me drift to my mind,
    Dream, dreams of things to come,
    Or things desired.
    And as I wake with the rising sun,
    Shall I be awake and refreshed.
    So Mote It Be."

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    #2178 - Werewolf Transformation

    This is a spell that will transform you into a werewolf.
    You may need:

  • 1 voice
  • 1 full moon
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    You may need:

  • 1 voice
  • 1 full moon
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    At night on the full moon, go outside and let direct moonlight shine onto you and then chant:

    By the light of the moon,
    and our piercing howls,
    we are further transformed into cunning beasts,
    form the circle of life,
    to the evolution of man,
    I shall be reawakened as one with the land.

    You will have bad anger problems once the spell is done, try to control your anger.

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    #2179 - The Eye Color Change

    Change your eyecolor with these simple steps!
    You may need:

  • Candle with color of eyecolor you want your eyes to change to
  • Circle with a star in it
  • Peaceful Place
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Candle with color of eyecolor you want your eyes to change to
  • Circle with a star in it
  • Peaceful Place
  • Voice
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    Light the candle with the Star Circle, stare into the candle and say,
    One, Two, Three, eyes change for me,
    One, Two, Three, (your eye color) to (new color) I see.
    Chant that 3 times and visualise yourself with the new eye color.
    Then chant this 3 times.
    By the power of 3, so mote it be.
    Then, Visualise yourself changing to the new eye color.
    Then, Check a mirror!

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    #2180 - The Aid of Earth

    Not powerful enough to cast a quick growth spell, a life spell, etc? Well, cast this spell before you attempt one and youll be much stronger.
    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • A Life spell that can be cast within 5 minutes
  • Dirt/Rock
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    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • A Life spell that can be cast within 5 minutes
  • Dirt/Rock
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    1. Find some dirt/ a rock and hold on to it.

    2. Say this ancient incantation: O mighty Spirit of Earth, give me your strength when I am in need. Give me the power to shape the life you create. Earth, give me the power of thou mighty spirit!

    3. Say the life spell you want to cast within 5 minutes and you will have the help of the Earth in casting it. If you didn't have the power to cast it before, you now will.

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    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters