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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Sleepiness/Tiredness
  2. Youth and Longevity Potion Ritual
  3. Building up Magick Belief
  4. Ugly
  5. Pain Bane
  6. Aphrodite's Will
  7. Beauty Spell
  8. Become a Wizard
  9. Dominance
  10. Hecate Summoning Prayer

#2291 - Sleepiness/Tiredness

This spell will make you more tired than you really are.
You may need:

  • Warmth
  • Comfortable Place to Sleep
  • Radio (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Warmth
  • Comfortable Place to Sleep
  • Radio (optional)
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    Get into bed and say: "All the things I went through today; will make me tired, so I won't say. Bugs and lizards may be able to scurry; I just want to be put to sleep in a hurry. So mote it be!" If you say it powerful enough and believed that you will fall asleep quicker, it shall work.

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    #2292 - Youth and Longevity Potion Ritual

    This Is Kind Of Like A Beauty Spell At The Same Time A Life spell To Make You Live Longer...
    You may need:

  • Read The Instructions...
  • Before You Do This Read This Whole Thing So You Know What To Do And What You Need...
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    You may need:

  • Read The Instructions...
  • Before You Do This Read This Whole Thing So You Know What To Do And What You Need...
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    Step1. Use any hydrosol. (I'll explain in the end how to make hydrosol)

    Step2. Before you bath, use a cotton ball to dab the hydrosol all over your face and body. As you do this, feel the confidence filling your soul. Visualize how beautiful you are inside and out...really feel it, and see yourself as someone desirable as a lover and a friend.

    Step3. Mix the hydrosol with your bath water, use natural organic soap and as you soak imagine living a long and healthy life...all thw while retaining your inside and outside beauty...a full long and happy life.

    Step4. Allow yourself to air dry as much as possible.

    *How to make hydrosol:
    You take any flowers you want and you boil it in a pot, but you starin the liquid keep it and throw away the flowers.


    P.S. Any questions, comments, or answers just message me.

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    #2293 - Building up Magick Belief

    This is to help you build up your magick belief.
    You may need:

  • I'll Explain In The Instructions
  • Read This Whole Ritual Before You Do It
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    You may need:

  • I'll Explain In The Instructions
  • Read This Whole Ritual Before You Do It
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    Step 1: Find some time alone,where you have some peace and quiet. Find a place that you will be able to make dark (don't make the room dark yet,but find a room that you will be able to make dark when we get to that part).

    Step 2: Now, I want you to find a candlethat you feel it represents you. It could be one of your favourite color...or it could be one that when you pick it up you feel something special-it "feels" right. Most imortantly, you need to look at this candle as if it is an extension of your heart and soul. I know it sound funny, but I am serious. Take as long as you need to find the "perfect' candle for you.

    Step 3: Take the candle,and sit in a comfortable position on the floor. Put both of your hands around the candle, and hold it in your lap. Now, I want you to clear your mind and slow your breathing. Take long, deep, even breathes. Relax. When you are relaxed, I want you to think about your past and present. I want you to think about who you are as a person-how you feel, how you think, what problems you have, and what you truly love in life. As you think of your true self, and who you really are as a person-I want you to "think" those thoughts into your candle. Visualize every thought you have "transferring" into the candle...if it helps, you can visualize a white puffy jet stream travelling away from your head, and into the candle in your hands. Focus on this for a few minutes (or longer), you'll know when you've put enough of yourself into the candle.

    Step 4: Now, in the room, I want you to build an altar. Tis could be something as simple as a little stool or even a chair. You can get as "ornate" as you want to get, but anything will do.

    Step 5: Next, place the candle in the candle holder and set in your altar in the room. Light the candle.

    Step 6: Now, I want you to turn off the lights, close the curtains, and create a dark room. This dark room represents the clarity of emptiness and the candle represents all that you are.

    Step 7: Sit on the ground in front of your altar and burning candle and focus on the flame. Visualize the Magick energy in this candle being released into the emptiness and darkness all around you.

    Step 8: Close your eyes and feel your Magick energy filling the room-starting from the floor, up the walls, to the ceiling. Feel the warmth starting to build the room.

    Step 9: In your thoughts bring an idea of complete belief in yourself and the Magick energy that fills the room-the Magick energy that YOU just sent out. Put aside any bad things that have happened to you in the past...cast them aside they don't matter right now. Grab hold of everything that is good in life, everything that you have accomplished, and everything that is possible for you with the powers you were born with. believe in everything your heart tells you. Think about all of the people in this world that accomplished things with Magick-psychics, fortune tellers, witches, etc; the same Magick that lies within you. You are not different then they are, and if you believe in your Magick, and all of the wonderful miracles it can bring you-there is nno stopping the beautiful things that you can accomplish in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

    Step 10: Continue focusing on this belief in yourself and in your Magick for no less than 7 minutes (the longer, the better). Build the belief up until you forget you ever had a single doubt in the past. Adfmit to yourself that you ARE special, and are filled with Magick just as much as any other person on this earth...

    Step 11: Now, open your eyes and look around you. take 3 deep breathes, and then snuff out the candle.

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    #2294 - Ugly

    Makes the one you despise the most uglier.
    You may need:

  • Mud
  • Picture of the person
  • Candle
  • A pot of water
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    You may need:

  • Mud
  • Picture of the person
  • Candle
  • A pot of water
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    Light the candle. Set the candle in the water where it won't fall and burn out. Take the picture and say: "Here you are. You will grow uglier by the day till I delay. So mote it be". Spread the mud over the picture of the victim, then set the picture on fire within the pot. Once done, throw the picture into the trash.

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    #2295 - Pain Bane

    Cures your of minor pains.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Focus on your pain and chant until the pain is gone: "Now I feel this pain on me. Make it a distant memory".

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    #2296 - Aphrodite's Will

    This is a basic spell I made in a dream. What it does is it invokes aphrodite and her helpers to mend or start a relationship.
    You may need:

  • 1 bowl of hot water
  • Few jellitan cubes
  • Flower petals (roses if possable)
  • 5 drops of blood (I prefer to use red food die because aphrodite dosn't like bloodshed)
  • 1 head hair ( this hair does not mean the person will fall for you)
  • There is a variation of this spell that instead of jellifying you freeze the mix in that case miss out jellitan cubes.
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    You may need:

  • 1 bowl of hot water
  • Few jellitan cubes
  • Flower petals (roses if possable)
  • 5 drops of blood (I prefer to use red food die because aphrodite dosn't like bloodshed)
  • 1 head hair ( this hair does not mean the person will fall for you)
  • There is a variation of this spell that instead of jellifying you freeze the mix in that case miss out jellitan cubes.
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    These instructions are for the jelly version.

    Take the water and place the petals in it try to get some colour of them.

    Put in the jellitan cubes and let them dissolve. Mix now for the blood (food die) visulize the 2 people you are bringing together.

    When puting in the drops say the incantation:

    "May aphrodite influence your every thought
    may eros's arrow find you."

    Add the hair then place in the fridge to set.

    Keep in the fridge for as long as you want aphrodite's help
    melt to break the spell.

    In the variation skip jelly cubes and put in the freezer instead of fridge.

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    #2297 - Beauty Spell

    This spell not only increases your outer beauty, but your inner, as well. It is known to get rid of most, if not all, blemishes on the face and body.
    You may need:

  • One rose bloom (can be any color)
  • One stove
  • One boiling pot
  • Rain water
  • Small picture of yourself
  • Salt
  • One white candle
  • One large bowl
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    You may need:

  • One rose bloom (can be any color)
  • One stove
  • One boiling pot
  • Rain water
  • Small picture of yourself
  • Salt
  • One white candle
  • One large bowl
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    Okay, start off by boiling some RAIN water over the stove. I'd say about two cups would do the trick. After the water is boiling, break apart the rose bloom's petals and toss them in. White roses work the best, but any color is fine, too. Mix the petals in the water, letting them simmer for about five to ten minutes. While they are simmering, take your bowl and lie your picture at the bottom of it. Use the salt to make a circle around the picture at the bottom of the bowl. Light the white candle and set it next to the bowl. Then, take your boiling water/rose petals and pour it into the bowl, covering your picture with the concoction. Say, ''Rain from the sky. Flower from the earth. Give me beauty and give me worth.'' This, of course, will ruin your photo (sorry) but it's worth it. Pick up the candle now and say, ''Blemishes, I command you to leave. Beauty take me over and fill me with your light. As I will it, so mote it be. May my wishes be fulfilled.'' Take the candle now and dip it into the bowl of water, extinguishing the flame. The next part is optional and will make the spell stronger: Cover your whole body with the water, leaving the petals and picture inside the bowl. Leave it on until it dries. Then, wait 24 hours and then burn each of the rose petals until they are nothing but ash. This releases your wish and your intentions and allows the spell to work faster. After they have been released, you can burn the picture as well, just make sure that it is fully dried first. And then, after that, you are finished. Depending on how much intent and focus you put into the spells, the result time will differ.

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    #2298 - Become a Wizard

    Use this easy spell to become a wizard.
    You may need:

  • 1 stick
  • 2 other people
  • 1 full moon
  • 1 match
  • 10 rocks
  • 1 cup of water
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    You may need:

  • 1 stick
  • 2 other people
  • 1 full moon
  • 1 match
  • 10 rocks
  • 1 cup of water
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    On a full moon at 9:00, go outside, place the rocks around an area of moist ground. Use 4 to hold up the stick. Light the stick with the match and let it burn for ten seconds. While the stick is burning, get your friends to come outside.

    Sit around the fire, hold hands and chant, "Let us be wizards, give us powers". You should chant this five times, then extinguish the fire. The next morning, you will have powers.

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    #2299 - Dominance

    To become a more dominant person
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Cast this any time you wish to be more dominant without hestiation. Quiet your mind and enter into a clear and relaxed state. Will these words by chanting:

    "Upon this night, I decide to change my life as it is time. Let the past be only a lesson. I am the man and I say what is. I am the man, and I say what is. Let the future be what I see. Upon this night, I decide to change my life as it is time. So mote it be".

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    #2300 - Hecate Summoning Prayer

    This prayer allows you to summon Hecate so that she will take you under her wing and protect you from harm.
    You may need:

  • Hecate's Symbol
  • Nighttime
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    You may need:

  • Hecate's Symbol
  • Nighttime
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    *WARNINGS: Hecate is as strict as she is kind, so do not cross her. She can bring along death as she can life. She does not forgive easily and she holds grudges, so beware. Yet, she represents the Triple Goddess and holds enormous power and protection. If you're on her good side, she will shield you against harm and bring along creativity and guidance. She is darkness. She is everything. But do not fear her. With the bad comes the good. That is not only apart of Wicca (my religion), but apart of life and magick. In order to bring out the light, we must first be surrounded by darkness.*

    It helps if you are in a meditative state when calling on a deity, but you do not have to be. It would help if you have one of your deity's symbols. For instance, some of Hecate's symbols are the moon, keys, black, silver, darkness, crossroads, the number three, dogs, etc. Hecate is easiest to call on at night. Since she represents each phase of the moon, it doesn't have to be at a certain time of month. Make sure to hold the symbol and focus on it. If it is something that you cannot hold (like the moon or darkness), then just focus on it wherever it may be. I use the moon for my summoning. Clear your mind and let the image of it fill your mind, then begin to relax. You can think or say the words, ''Hecate, mighty Goddess of crossroads, darkness, death, wisdom, and the moon, please come to me. Please Hecate, protect me and help me when I am in danger. Treat me as one of your own and give me all that is needed. Hecate, surround me in your darkness so that I can bring forth my light.'' You will probably feel a presence at this time, but don't worry, even though Hecate is known for destruction, it is not all true. Remember, in order to have life, there must be death. This is much the case of Hecate.

    Hecate- Pronounced Heh-Kah-Tay

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    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters